Violence Against Women: Current Theory and Practice in Domestic Abuse, Sexual Violence and Exploitation 电子书下载
书名:Violence Against Women: Current Theory and Practice in Domestic Abuse, Sexual Violence and Exploitation
Violence against women is a pervasive problem in society and responding appropriately to those who experience it and those who perpetrate it is a constant challenge for social work, health and related professions today. This volume seeks to address issues surrounding violence against women at all levels, from its root causes to the specific needs arising in victims of gendered abuse from a particular social or ethnic group. Drawing on the expertise of a range of`front line`service providers and practitioners as well as academic researchers, it seeks to provide those working in social work and related professions with up-to-date coverage of the major issues pertaining to violence against women, and suggest ways to tackle the rise in violence against women by translating knowledge into effective training and practice.This important book will be essential reading for practising social workers and allied professions, as well as academics and students.
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