MS325 - B - Chaos and Modern Dynamics 电子书下载
This book is about chaos and dynamical systems. Roughly speaking, a dynamical system is a rule that determines how a quantity evo ...
08-22 [ None ]
Programming STM32 Microcontroller circuit projects hand on: STM32 Microcontroller, Keil uVision and STM32CubeMX, ESP8266 with STM32F103C8,Stepper & Servo Motor with STM32F103C8, Heartbeat Moduation. 电子书下载
This book is specially described about best IOT Projects with the simple explanation .From this book you can get lots of inform ...
05-30 [ None ]
dialThe Insiders Guide to the STM32 ARM based Microcontroller Hitex 电子书下载
This book is intended as a hands-on guide for anyone intending to use the ST Microelectronics STM32 family of Cortex-M3 microcont ...
05-30 [ None ]
《不可不学的管理学32定律》彦涛修订版 电子书下载
《不可不学的管理学32定律》汇集了世界上经典的32个管理学定律,这些定律都是由世界管理学大师总结和提炼出来的管理金科玉律,都是经过世界优秀企业管理实践的检验,浓缩了世界优秀先进的管理思想和方法。全书以简明的语言和生动的案例,深入阐释了鲦鱼效应、南风法则、印加效应、秋尾法则、“蜂舞”法则、搭便车理论、 ...
09-17 [ economy ]