美股70年 电子书下载
本书系统回顾了1948~2018年美国股市的行情表现特征,分析了行情发生时的历史背景与经济基本面情况,并对行情背后的驱动力进行了探讨。回顾历史的目的是为了展望未来,拥有超过200年历史的美国股票市场,历经风雨、潮起潮落,穿越了许多的经济周期,无疑是最好的历史 ...
06-08 [ None ]
The US Army Jeep at War (Concord 7058) 电子书下载
US Army Jeep is written by Steven Zaloga and published by Concord Publications Company. The book is an illustrated history of the ...
02-27 [ None ]
US Jeep in World War II (Armour at War 7058) 电子书下载
The book is an illustrated history of the most famous and useful vehicle the United States Army every developed. It comes with c ...
02-27 [ None ]