The Art of Writing Efficient Programs: An advanced programmers guide to efficient hardware utilization and compiler optimizations using C++ examples 电子书下载
The great free lunch of "performance taking care of itself" is over. Until recently, programs got faster by themselves as CPUs we ...
07-03 [ None ]
Advanced Analytics with Spark 2nd Edition - Sandy Ryza, Uri Laserson, Sean Owen, and Josh Wills 电子书下载
Advanced Analytics with Spark 2nd Edition - Sandy Ryza, Uri Laserson, Sean Owen, and Josh WillsSandy Ryza, Uri Laserson, Sean Owen, and Josh Wills ...
02-05 [ computer ]
Advanced Git - Jawwad Ahmad & Chris Belanger 电子书下载
Advanced Git - Jawwad Ahmad & Chris BelangerJawwad Ahmad & Chris Belanger ...
02-05 [ computer ]
Advanced Information Systems Engineering: 12th International Conference, CAiSE 2000 Stockholm, Sweden, June 5–9, 2000 Proceedings 电子书下载
CAiSE 2000 was the 12th in the series of International Conferences on Advanced Information Systems Engineering. In the year 2000 ...
05-25 [ None ]
Advanced Android App Architecture - Yun Cheng and Aldo Olivares Domínguez 电子书下载
Advanced Android App Architecture - Yun Cheng and Aldo Olivares DomínguezYun Cheng and Aldo Olivares Domínguez ...
02-05 [ computer ]
Advanced Spoken Chinese (Second Edition) Part 1 刘元满 高级汉语口语(上册)第二版 电子书下载
北京: 北京大学出版社,2004 — 154页Beijing: Peking University Press, 2004 — 154 p.ISBN 7-301-06634-1北大版新一代对外汉语教材·口语教程系列 北京市高等教育精品教材立项项目:本书在设置 ...
04-29 [ None ]
Wiley s Problems in Mathematics for IIT JEE Main and Advanced Vol II 2 Maestro Series with Summarized Concepts 电子书下载
Wiley s Problems in Mathematics for IIT JEE Main and Advanced Vol II 2 Maestro Series with Summarized Concepts ...
05-21 [ None ]
Linux Observability with BPF: Advanced Programming for Performance Analysis and Networking 电子书下载
Build your expertise in the BPF virtual machine in the Linux kernel with this practical guide for systems engineers. You’ll not o ...
09-19 [ None ]
Advanced Swift Update for Swift 5 - Chris Eidhof, Ole Begemann and Airspeed Velocity 电子书下载
Advanced Swift Update for Swift 5 - Chris Eidhof, Ole Begemann and Airspeed VelocityChris Eidhof, Ole Begemann and Airspeed Velocity ...
02-05 [ computer ]
Learn HTML - From Beginner To Advanced: HTML Complete Guide 电子书下载
HTML is a special language is used to create web pages or documents on the World Wide Web. It is used to describe the structure o ...
04-24 [ None ]
Real Python Part 3: Advanced Web Development with Django 1.6 电子书下载
Palo Alto: realpython.com, 2014. - 228 c.Третья часть известного курса Real Python посвящена разработке веб приложений при помощи ...
10-19 [ None ]
Advanced LaTeX 电子书下载
This document follows on from theWord processing using LaTeX document. It describes the features of LaTeX that people at CUED are ...
05-24 [ None ]
New Chinese Course in Business Newsreading: Advanced 2 - 新汉语经济新闻阅读教程-高级篇(下) 电子书下载
Год: 2006.Категория: Учебник.Язык курса: Китайский.Автор: Wang Huiling.Издательство: Beijing Daxue Chubanshe.Формат: pdf.ISBN: 7- ...
05-04 [ None ]