Adventure Guide Scandinavia: Sweden, Norway, & Denmark 电子书下载
Each country is unique, but all three have been bound together by a common heritage since the Viking era. This guide covers the m ...
05-25 [ None ]
A Pythonic Adventure - Pavel Anni 电子书下载
A Pythonic Adventure - Pavel AnniPavel Anni ...
02-05 [ computer ]
Adventure Guide to Sweden 电子书下载
The clean air, smelling of spruce and moss in the summer and of newly fallen snow in winter, is unforgettable in Sweden. Written ...
05-25 [ None ]
蛤蟆先生去看心理医生 (Counselling For Toads - A Psychological Adventure) 电子书下载
蛤蟆先生一向爱笑爱闹,如今却一反常态地郁郁寡欢,他一个人躲在屋里,连起床梳洗的力气都没有。朋友们非常担心他,建议他去做心理咨询。在10次心理咨询中,蛤蟆在咨询师苍鹭的带领下,勇敢地探索了自己的内心世界,也逐渐找回了信心与希望…… 这并不是一本写给孩子看 ...
06-16 [ None ]
Big Black Penis: Misadventures in Race and Masculinity 电子书下载
How does it feel to be a black man in America? It hurts, but in a beautiful way. So Shawn Taylor says—and a lot more—in this una ...
07-28 [ None ]
The Naturalist on the River Amazon: A Record of Adventures, Habits of Animals, Sketches of Brazilian and Indian Life, and Aspects of Nature under the Equator, during Eleven Years of Travel 电子书下载
First published in 1863, this is a first-hand account of Henry Walter Bates` eleven-year expedition to the river Amazon in 1848, ...
05-11 [ None ]