Buffalo Gals and Other Animal Presences 电子书下载
A collection by an award-winning author includes ten short tales, eighteen poems, and the title story in which a child survives a ...
10-08 [ None ]
动物内心笔记:遇见所罗门王的指环 Inside Animal Hearts and Minds 电子书下载
本书通过近70篇小短文和120多幅图片,从情感和智慧两个角度探讨了各种动物的行为,主题涉及动物的嬉戏,友谊,死亡,公平感,幽默感,智商及其评价等. ...
09-19 [ None ]
De animales a dioses 电子书下载
Hace 100.000 años al menos seis especies de humanos habitaban la Tierra. Hoy solo queda una, la nuestra: Homo sapiens. ¿Cómo logr ...
06-30 [ None ]
DIY Animism: Your Personal Guide to Animal Spirits 电子书下载
This is the new, updated and annotated edition of DIY Totemism, a work that redefined the concept of neopagan animal spirit wor ...
05-03 [ None ]
人体及动物生理学(第4版)Human and Animal Physiology (4th edition) 电子书下载
《人体及动物生理学(第4版)》内容按分子、细胞和系统生理系统编排,全书共分16章。前5章为细胞和分子生理部分,包括细胞膜信号及跨膜信号转导、神经元的兴奋和传导、突触和突触活动的调节及骨骼肌、心肌和平滑肌生理;后11章包括神经、感觉器官、血液、血液循环、呼吸、 ...
04-14 [ None ]
The Naturalist on the River Amazon: A Record of Adventures, Habits of Animals, Sketches of Brazilian and Indian Life, and Aspects of Nature under the Equator, during Eleven Years of Travel 电子书下载
First published in 1863, this is a first-hand account of Henry Walter Bates` eleven-year expedition to the river Amazon in 1848, ...
05-11 [ None ]