SwiftUI Apprentice - Audrey Tam & Caroline Begbie 电子书下载
SwiftUI Apprentice - Audrey Tam & Caroline BegbieAudrey Tam & Caroline Begbie ...
02-05 [ computer ]
Big Data A Tutorial-Based Approach - Nasir Raheem 电子书下载
Big Data A Tutorial-Based Approach - Nasir RaheemNasir Raheem ...
02-05 [ computer ]
Deutsch Direkt: A Combined BBC Radio and Television Course for Beginners in German 电子书下载
This book accompanies Deutsch Direkt!, a BBC Radio and Television course for beginners in German, though more advanced students w ...
06-29 [ None ]
ZK Ajax Without JavaScript Framework - Henri Chen and Robbie Cheng 电子书下载
ZK Ajax Without JavaScript Framework - Henri Chen and Robbie ChengHenri Chen and Robbie Cheng ...
02-05 [ computer ]
Flutter Recipes: Mobile Development Solutions for iOS and Android 电子书下载
Take advantage of this comprehensive reference to solving common problems when developing with Flutter. Along with an introductio ...
06-07 [ None ]
Ubuntu Linux toolbox : 1000+ commands for Ubuntu and Debian power users 电子书下载
In this handy, compact guide, you’ll explore a ton of powerful Ubuntu Linux commands while you learn to use Ubuntu Linux as the e ...
06-22 [ None ]
Nonlinear Time Series: Semiparametric and Nonparametric Methods (Chapman & Hall-CRC Monographs on Statistics & Applied Probability) 电子书下载
Useful in the theoretical and empirical analysis of nonlinear time series data, semiparametric methods have received extensive at ...
07-10 [ None ]
Re-Engineering Legacy Software - Chris Birchall 电子书下载
Re-Engineering Legacy Software - Chris BirchallChris Birchall ...
02-05 [ computer ]
Oxford Picture Dictionary: English Arabic 电子书下载
Content is organized within 12 thematic units, including Everyday Language, People, Housing, Food and Recreation. Each unit start ...
09-16 [ None ]