Linux Bible: Boot Up to Fedora, KNOPPIX, Debian, SUSE, Ubuntu, and 7 Other Distributions 电子书下载
* This completely revamped edition covers the familiar Linux flavors as well as some exciting new distributions-Ubuntu, Mepis, A ...
06-22 [ None ]
Troubleshooting Windows 2000 TCP-IP 电子书下载
TCP/IP is a set of proposals developed to allow cooperating computers to share resources across a network. Some of the largest ne ...
09-16 [ None ]
The Kubernetes Bible - Nassim Kebbani, Piotr Tylenda and Russ McKendrick 电子书下载
The Kubernetes Bible - Nassim Kebbani, Piotr Tylenda and Russ McKendrickNassim Kebbani, Piotr Tylenda and Russ McKendrick ...
02-05 [ computer ]
Regular Expression Pocket Reference, 2nd Edition - Tony Stubblebine 电子书下载
Regular Expression Pocket Reference, 2nd Edition - Tony StubblebineTony Stubblebine ...
02-05 [ computer ]
MySQL Troubleshooting - Sveta Smirnova 电子书下载
MySQL Troubleshooting - Sveta SmirnovaSveta Smirnova ...
02-05 [ computer ]
Event Processing in Action - Opher Etzion and Peter Niblett 电子书下载
Event Processing in Action - Opher Etzion and Peter NiblettOpher Etzion and Peter Niblett ...
02-05 [ computer ]
Learning SciPy for Numerical and Scientific Computing: A practical tutorial that guarantees fast, accurate, and easy-to-code solutions to your numerical and scientific computing problems with the power of SciPy and Python 电子书下载
It`s essential to incorporate workflow data and code from various sources in order to create fast and effective algorithms to sol ...
06-15 [ None ]
Mental Toughness: Step by Step Guide for an Unbeatable Mindset Developing Powerful Habits, Self Confidence & Discipline. Improve Your Focus, Performances and Mental Resilience Like a Champion 电子书下载
- Do you agree that the Mindset is what divides successful people from unsuccessful ones? From rich people to those who arrive wi ...
10-08 [ None ]
Hands-On Functional Programming with TypeScript: Explore functional and reactive programming to create robust and testable TypeScript applicatons 电子书下载
Explore functional and reactive programming to create robust and testable TypeScript applications ...
02-09 [ None ]
Building Scalable Web Sites - Cal Henderson 电子书下载
Building Scalable Web Sites - Cal HendersonCal Henderson ...
02-05 [ computer ]
Ansible快速入门——技术原理与实战(pdf电子原版)2017 电子书下载
本书以新的自动化运维工具 Ansible 为主要内容,侧重于实战,由浅入深地介绍了 Ansible 以及周边产品 Ansible Galaxy 和 Ansible Tower 的用法。本书共计 6 章,前 4 章由浅及深、层层递进地介绍了 Ansible的使 ...
08-29 [ None ]
Approximation by Complex Bernstein and Convolution Type Operators (Concrete and Applicable Mathematics) 电子书下载
This monograph, as its first main goal, aims to study the overconvergence phenomenon of important classes of Bernstein-type opera ...
10-08 [ None ]
Arduino + Android Projects for the Evil Genius Control Arduino with Your Smartphone or Tablet 电子书下载
TEAM ARDUINO UP WITH ANDROID FOR SOME MISCHIEVOUS FUN!Filled with practical, do-it-yourself gadgets, Arduino + Android Projects f ...
07-05 [ None ]