《21天学通C++(第7版)》 [美] Bradley Jones / Peter Aitken / Dean Miller 中文版 电子书下载
Bradley L. Jones,Developer.com网站的管理者,负责管理Developer.com、CodeGuru和DevX等网站,有使用C、C#、C++、SQL Sever、PowerBuilder、Visual Basic、HTML5等开发系统的经验。他的推特是@BradleyLJo ...
09-13 [ computer ]
Teach Yourself C++ in One Hour a Day - Jesse Liberty, Siddhartha Rao and Bradley Jones 电子书下载
Teach Yourself C++ in One Hour a Day - Jesse Liberty, Siddhartha Rao and Bradley JonesJesse Liberty, Siddhartha Rao and Bradley Jones ...
02-05 [ computer ]
Programming for Engineers: A Foundational Approach to Learning C and Matlab - Aaron R. Bradley 电子书下载
Programming for Engineers: A Foundational Approach to Learning C and Matlab - Aaron R. BradleyAaron R. Bradley ...
02-05 [ computer ]
Devops for The Desperate - Bradley Smith 电子书下载
Devops for The Desperate - Bradley SmithBradley Smith ...
02-05 [ computer ]
Writing and Querying MapReduce Views in CouchDB - Bradley Holt 电子书下载
Writing and Querying MapReduce Views in CouchDB - Bradley HoltBradley Holt ...
02-05 [ computer ]
《21天学通C语言(第7版)》Bradley Jones文字版 电子书下载
本书译自《Teach Yourself C in 21 Days》第6版,该书的前五版都登上了畅销书排行榜,是初学者学习C语言的经典之作。本版按最新的标准(ISO/IEC:9899-1999),以循序渐进的方式介绍了C语言编程方面的知识,并提供了丰富的实例和大量的练习。通过学习实例,并将所学知识用于 ...
10-03 [ computer ]
Scaling CouchDB - Bradley Holt 电子书下载
Scaling CouchDB - Bradley HoltBradley Holt ...
02-05 [ computer ]