《我们为什么不说话 : 动物的行为、情感、思维与非凡才能》坦普尔·葛兰汀(Temple Grandin) / [美]凯瑟琳·约翰逊(Catherine Johnson) 电子书下载
内容简介:聊天是人们增进了解的常用方法,但假如是面对一只不会说话的动物呢?如何知道它的小脑袋里在想些什么?坦普尔·葛兰汀,美国科罗拉多州立大学动物科学教授,被业内称为能翻译动物语言的人,专业研究动物三十年心力之作。书中有新奇好玩的前沿科学试验,如让鸽子学会分辨毕加索和莫奈的画作;也有贴近生活的实用技 ...
10-15 [ education ]
Unbridling the Tongues of Women: a biography of Catherine Helen Spence 电子书下载
Originally published in 1985, this revised edition with an updated Introduction, is being published by the University of Adelaide ...
05-23 [ None ]
Building Machine Learning Pipelines - Hannes Hapke and Catherine Nelson 电子书下载
Building Machine Learning Pipelines - Hannes Hapke and Catherine NelsonHannes Hapke and Catherine Nelson ...
02-05 [ computer ]
Unbridling the Tongues of Women: A biography of Catherine Helen Spence 电子书下载
Originally published in 1985, this revised edition with an updated Introduction, is being published by the University of Adelaide ...
05-24 [ None ]