Head First Kotlin 电子书下载
What will you learn from this book? Head First Kotlin is a complete introduction to coding in Kotlin. This hands-on book helps yo ...
08-12 [ None ]
Head First JavaScript 电子书下载
So you`re ready to make the leap from writing HTML and CSS web pages to creating dynamic web applications. You want to take your ...
05-19 [ None ]
Head First C - David Griffiths and Dawn Griffiths 电子书下载
Head First C - David Griffiths and Dawn GriffithsDavid Griffiths and Dawn Griffiths ...
02-05 [ computer ]
Head First HTML with CSS and XHTML - Elisabeth Freeman and Eric Freeman 电子书下载
Head First HTML with CSS and XHTML - Elisabeth Freeman and Eric FreemanElisabeth Freeman and Eric Freeman ...
02-05 [ computer ]
Head First Android Development 2nd Edition - Dawn Griffiths 电子书下载
Head First Android Development 2nd Edition - Dawn GriffithsDawn Griffiths ...
02-05 [ computer ]
Reactive Programming with Kotlin (First Edition): Learn Rx with RxJava, RxKotlin, and RXAndroid 电子书下载
Learn Reactive Programming in Kotlin with RxJava!The popularity of reactive programming continues to grow on an ever-increasing n ...
08-12 [ None ]
Head First C#, 2E: A Learners Guide to Real-World Programming with Visual C# and .NET (Head First Guides) 电子书下载
You want to learn C# programming, but you`re not sure you want to suffer through another tedious technical book. You`re in luck: ...
05-19 [ None ]
Head First Design Patterns - Eric Freeman, Elisabeth Freeman, Kathy Sierra and Bert Bates 电子书下载
Head First Design Patterns - Eric Freeman, Elisabeth Freeman, Kathy Sierra and Bert BatesEric Freeman, Elisabeth Freeman, Kathy Sierra and Bert Bates ...
02-05 [ computer ]
Quantum Chemistry of Solids: The LCAO First Principles Treatment of Crystals (Springer Series in Solid-State Sciences) 电子书下载
This book delivers a comprehensive account of the main features and possibilities of LCAO methods for the first principles calcul ...
03-19 [ None ]
Head First Servlets and JSP 2nd Edition - Bryan Basham, Kathy Sierra, and Bert Bates 电子书下载
Head First Servlets and JSP 2nd Edition - Bryan Basham, Kathy Sierra, and Bert BatesBryan Basham, Kathy Sierra, and Bert Bates ...
02-05 [ computer ]
Head First Python (中文版·第2版) 电子书下载
你是不是想学习Python语言但又不想那么费劲地翻阅手册?利用这本《Head First Python》,你能很快掌握Python的基础知识,并处理内置数据结构和函数。接下来你将构建你自己的Web应用,研究数据库管理、异常处理,以及数据转换。如果你想知道利用 ...
02-11 [ None ]
Head First Design Patterns 电子书下载
If there`s one subject that needs to be taught better, needs to be more fun to learn, it`s design patterns. Thank goodness for He ...
05-19 [ None ]
Head First Software Development 电子书下载
Even the best developers have seen well-intentioned software projects fail -- often because the customer kept changing requiremen ...
05-19 [ None ]