PostgreSQL 9.6 High Performance - Ibrar Ahmed and Gregory Smith 电子书下载
PostgreSQL 9.6 High Performance - Ibrar Ahmed and Gregory SmithIbrar Ahmed and Gregory Smith ...
02-05 [ computer ]
PostgreSQL 9.0 High Performance - Gregory Smith 电子书下载
PostgreSQL 9.0 High Performance - Gregory SmithGregory Smith ...
02-05 [ computer ]
Programming Beyond Practices - Gregory T. Brown 电子书下载
Programming Beyond Practices - Gregory T. BrownGregory T. Brown ...
02-05 [ computer ]
游戏引擎架构 - Jason Gregory 著 叶劲峰 译 电子书下载
游戏引擎架构 - Jason Gregory 著 叶劲峰 译Jason Gregory 著 叶劲峰 译 ...
02-05 [ computer ]
JUnit in Action 2rd Edition - Petar Tahchiev, Felipe Leme, Vincent Massol and Gary Gregory 电子书下载
JUnit in Action 2rd Edition - Petar Tahchiev, Felipe Leme, Vincent Massol and Gary GregoryPetar Tahchiev, Felipe Leme, Vincent Massol and Gary Gregory ...
02-05 [ computer ]
《研究是一门艺术》Wayne C. Booth / Gregory G. Colomb / Joseph M. Williams 电子书下载
内容简介:本书介绍了一种环形研究过程:思考-写作-修订-重新思考,并提出了在寻找话题、制定计划、收集资料、组织论据、起草初稿、修改润色等各个环节中贯彻以读者为中心原则的具体方法。如何将模糊的兴趣转为一个值得提出和解决的难题;如何建立一个论证,并让读者愿意接受你的观点;如何预知那些思维缜密且具有批判力 ...
11-11 [ education ]
《一万年的爆发 : 文明如何加速人类进化》[美]格雷戈里·柯克伦(Gregory Cochran) / [美]亨利·哈本丁(Henry Harpending) 电子书下载
内容简介:“物竞天择”仍然在影响着我们,不过这个“天”不单单是自然,还有我们自己创造的文明。在过去一百年间大部分时候,社会科学的共识就是人类演化很久以前就停止了。按照最新的版本,演化在大约五万年前人类开始扩张并走出非洲前就已经停止。这意味着世界各地人类的头脑都该是一样的,即所谓“人类精神的一致性”。 ...
10-14 [ historical ]
Learn to Solder - Brian Jepson, Tyler Moskowite, and Gregory Hayes 电子书下载
Learn to Solder - Brian Jepson, Tyler Moskowite, and Gregory HayesBrian Jepson, Tyler Moskowite, and Gregory Hayes ...
02-05 [ computer ]
Spring Batch in Action - Arnaud Cogoluègnes, Thierry Templier, Gary Gregory and Olivier Bazoud 电子书下载
Spring Batch in Action - Arnaud Cogoluègnes, Thierry Templier, Gary Gregory and Olivier BazoudArnaud Cogoluègnes, Thierry Templier, Gary Gregory and O ...
02-05 [ computer ]
sendmail, 4th Edition - Bryan Costales, George Jansen, and Claus Aßmann with Gregory Neil Shapiro 电子书下载
sendmail, 4th Edition - Bryan Costales, George Jansen, and Claus Aßmann with Gregory Neil ShapiroBryan Costales, George Jansen, and Claus Aßmann with ...
02-05 [ computer ]