动物内心笔记:遇见所罗门王的指环 Inside Animal Hearts and Minds 电子书下载
本书通过近70篇小短文和120多幅图片,从情感和智慧两个角度探讨了各种动物的行为,主题涉及动物的嬉戏,友谊,死亡,公平感,幽默感,智商及其评价等. ...
09-19 [ None ]
Lionheart Gal: Life Stories of Jamaican Women (Caribbean Cultural Studies) 电子书下载
A collection of the life stories of Jamaican working-class women. ...
10-08 [ None ]
Emotions in the Heart of the City (14th-16th century) = Les émotions au coeur de la ville (XIVe-XVIe siècle) 电子书下载
Whoever is curious about emotions and their expression in the Old Regime has to discover Johan Huizinga’s works. From his point o ...
07-23 [ None ]