Mastering SQL Queries for SAP Business One: Utilize the power of SQL queries to bring Business Intelligence to your small to medium-sized business 电子书下载
Practical SAP query examples from an SAP Business One expert. Detailed steps to create and troubleshoot SQL queries for Alerts, A ...
04-29 [ None ]
Mastering Power BI: Build Business Intelligence Applications Powered with DAX Calculations, Insightful Visualizations, Advanced BI Techniques, and Loads of Data Sources (English Edition) 电子书下载
Expert Choice to build Business Intelligence landscapes and dashboards for Enterprises Key Features● In-depth knowledge of Power ...
05-27 [ None ]
Learn Power BI : A Beginner’s Guide to Developing Interactive Business Intelligence Solutions Using Microsoft Power BI. 电子书下载
This book will help you bring business intelligence capabilities using Power BI in order to make smarter decisions. You will lear ...
05-27 [ None ]
蒂耶波洛的图画智力(Tiepolo and the Pictorial Intelligence) 电子书下载
《蒂耶波洛的图画智力》依循蒂耶波洛的创作程序,先后探讨画家的素描作品、小幅油画稿以及大型壁画。其中,对维尔茨堡阶梯厅天顶《四大陆》壁画的分析,是本书的高潮部分。具体论题包括:蒂耶波洛如何在绘画中抵制叙事性事件,他如何积极地利用绘画过程中的不确定性和重复性,他 ...
09-06 [ None ]
Lintelligence de situation : Savoir exploiter toutes les situations 电子书下载
Savoir tirer parti d`une situation quelle qu`elle soit est un talent qui, s`il est parfois inné, peut être travaillé, affûté. ...
08-22 [ None ]
EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION SKILLS: The Nine-Keys Guidebook for Developing the Art of Persuasion through Public Speaking, Social Intelligence, Verbal Dexterity, Charisma, and Eloquence 电子书下载
If you are tired of not being about to communicate your ideas effectively, then you should continue reading. You’ve tried to l ...
08-29 [ None ]
The Cyber Intelligence Analyst’s Cookbook. Volume 1: A primer for Open Source Intelligence Collection and Applied Research 电子书下载
This book. Well, it started out as a manual, or rather a brain dump of my process. I`ve spent the last year or so examining how I ...
04-10 [ None ]
Intelligence in Communication Systems: IFIP International Conference, INTELLCOMM 2004, Bangkok, Thailand, November 23-26, 2004. Proceedings 电子书下载
The 2004 IFIP International Conference on Intelligence in Communication S- tems(INTELLCOMM2004),heldinBangkok,Thailand,23–26Novem ...
09-22 [ None ]
Wireless Communication with Artificial Intelligence: Emerging Trends and Applications (Wireless Communications and Networking Technologies) 电子书下载
This reference text discusses advances in wireless communication, design challenges, and future research directions to design rel ...
08-02 [ None ]
Artificial intelligence (AI) is one of the hottest topics of current times becauseit has disrupted most industries in recent year ...
05-01 [ None ]