mental floss presents Instant Knowledge (Collins Gem) 电子书下载
Mental_floss is proud to present a full-bodied jolt of inspiration for thirsty minds on the go. Blended with titillating facts, s ...
10-08 [ None ]
Entrepreneurialism in Universities and the Knowledge Economy: Diversification and Organisational Change in European Higher Education (The Society for ... Education and Open University Press Impreint) 电子书下载
How entrepreneurial are European universities? Perhaps more than is generally realised. What are the factors that encourage ...
04-10 [ None ]
Building Knowledge Graphs - Jesús Barrasa and Jim Webber 电子书下载
Building Knowledge Graphs - Jesús Barrasa and Jim WebberJesús Barrasa and Jim Webber ...
02-05 [ computer ]
Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems: 8th International Conference, Kes 2004, Wellington, New Zealand, September 20-25, 2004, Proceedings, Part I 电子书下载
The three-volume set LNAI 3213, LNAI 3214, and LNAI 3215 constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 8th International Conference ...
08-29 [ None ]
Advances in Web Mining and Web Usage Analysis: 7th International Workshop on Knowledge Discovery on the Web, WebKDD 2005, Chicago, IL, USA, August 21, 2005. Revised Papers 电子书下载
Thisbookcontainsthepostworkshopproceedingsofthe7thInternationalWo- shop on Knowledge Discovery from the Web, WEBKDD 2005. The WEB ...
04-24 [ None ]
Advances in Web Mining and Web Usage Analysis: 8th International Workshop on Knowledge Discovery on the Web, WebKDD 2006 Philadelphia, USA, August 20, 2006 Revised Papers 电子书下载
This book contains the postworkshop proceedings with selected revised papers from the 8th international workshop on knowledge dis ...
04-24 [ None ]
Knowledge Representation And Reasoning - Ronald J. Brachman and Hector J. Levesque 电子书下载
Knowledge Representation And Reasoning - Ronald J. Brachman and Hector J. LevesqueRonald J. Brachman and Hector J. Levesque ...
02-05 [ computer ]
Advances in Web Mining and Web Usage Analysis: 9th International Workshop on Knowledge Discovery on the Web, WebKDD 2007, and 1st International Workshop 电子书下载
This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed post-workshop proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Mining Web Data, WEB ...
04-24 [ None ]
Knowledge-Based Driver Assistance Systems: Traffic Situation Description and Situation Feature Relevance 电子书下载
The comprehension of a traffic situation plays a major role in driving a vehicle. Interpretable information forms a basis for fut ...
08-22 [ None ]