Kentucky Clay: Eleven Generations of a Southern Dynasty 电子书下载
This sweeping history traces eleven generations of the Clays of Kentucky, a founding American family and Southern dynasty whose m ...
05-11 [ None ]
Rocky Mountain Dreams 电子书下载
HIS SURPRISE SISTER * * The last thing Joseph Stone expects to discover upon arriving in Leadville, Colorado, is a newfound littl ...
09-26 [ None ]
El genio femenino : la vida, la locura, las palabras : Melanie Klein - J. Kristeva ; tr. por Jorge Piatigorsky. 电子书下载
Traducción de: Le génie féminin. La vie, la folie, les mots: Melanie KleinAcercamiento a la figura y a la obra de la psicoanal ...
06-19 [ None ]
所謂的知識分子 Intellectuals: From Marx and Tolstoy to Sartre and Chomsky 电子书下载
本書所收錄的人物多是讀者耳熟能詳、影響歷史進程的西方思想家和作家,如盧梭、雪萊、馬克思、易卜生、托爾斯泰、海明威、布萊希特、羅素、沙特等,以及讀者未必熟悉,但也是深具影響力的人物,如英國出版家高蘭茨、美國作家威爾遜、好萊塢劇作家海爾曼等。 作者抽絲剝繭 ...
06-30 [ None ]