Logics of Specification Languages - Dines Bjørner and Martin C. Henson 电子书下载
Logics of Specification Languages - Dines Bjørner and Martin C. HensonDines Bjørner and Martin C. Henson ...
02-05 [ computer ]
Linguistic Theory and the Romance Languages 电子书下载
This volume contains revised versions of papers given at a conference at the Manoir de Brion, in Normandy. They deal with phonolo ...
06-18 [ None ]
The Cambridge History of the Romance Languages: Volume 2, Contexts 电子书下载
What is the origin of the Romance languages and how did they evolve? When and how did they become different from Latin, and from ...
06-18 [ None ]
Languages Of Power In The Age Of Richard II 电子书下载
``Lynn Staley?’s new book is informed by an impressive command of Middle English culture and is chockablock with new insights. Fe ...
06-04 [ None ]
Design Concepts in Programming Languages - Franklyn Turbak and David Gifford 电子书下载
Design Concepts in Programming Languages - Franklyn Turbak and David GiffordFranklyn Turbak and David Gifford ...
02-05 [ computer ]
突厥比较语言学 [A Comparative Study of the Turkic Languages] 电子书下载
乌鲁木齐:新疆人民出版社,1997,ISBN 7-228-04396-0突厥比较语言学就是采用语言学的对比和比较研究的理论、原则和方法,对突厥语族的亲属语言在表义上所采用的不同形式、手段进行全面的共时性的描写与比较,从而找出中国突厥语族8种语言在语音体系、词 ...
06-25 [ None ]
Theories of Programming Languages - John C. Reynolds 电子书下载
Theories of Programming Languages - John C. ReynoldsJohn C. Reynolds ...
02-05 [ computer ]
Programming Languages: An Active Learning Approach - Kent D. Lee 电子书下载
Programming Languages: An Active Learning Approach - Kent D. LeeKent D. Lee ...
02-05 [ computer ]
Seven Languages in Seven Weeks - Bruce A. Tate 电子书下载
Seven Languages in Seven Weeks - Bruce A. TateBruce A. Tate ...
02-05 [ computer ]
The Oxford Guide to the Romance Languages 电子书下载
The Oxford Guide to the Romance Languages is the most exhaustive treatment of the Romance languages available today. Leading inte ...
06-18 [ None ]
Domain Specific Languages - Martin Fowler 电子书下载
Domain Specific Languages - Martin FowlerMartin Fowler ...
02-05 [ computer ]
Growing up with Three Languages: Birth to Eleven (Parents and Teachers Guides) 电子书下载
This book is for parents who live in a foreign country and intend to raise their children in their own heritage language(s). It o ...
05-11 [ None ]
Teach Yourself Ukrainian (Teach Yourself Languages) 电子书下载
Teach Yourself Ukrainian is a complete course in spoken and written Ukrainian. If you have never learned any Ukrainian before or ...
05-24 [ None ]
Фан Юань Fāng Yuán 方圆(责任编辑)。突厥语言与文化研究(第二辑)。 Research of the Turkic languages and cultures, Issue No 2 电子书下载
北京:中央民族大学出版社,1997年。- 413 页。突厥語言與文化研究(第貮輯)。Исследования тюркских языков и культур, выпуск 2.ISBN 7-81001-765-9/I-87这本论文集从一个侧面反映了突厥 ...
06-25 [ None ]
Фан Юань Fāng Yuán 方圆(责任编辑)。突厥语言与文化研究(第一、二辑)。 Research of the Turkic languages and cultures, Issue No 1, 2 电子书下载
北京:中央民族大学出版社,1996年。 - 300 页(第一辑); 1997年。 - 413 页 (第二辑)突厥語言與文化研究(第壹、貮輯)。Исследования тюркских языков и культур, выпуски 1 и 2.ISBN ...
06-25 [ None ]