The Latex companion, chapter 8 only (Higher mathematics) 电子书下载
This is an updated version of chapter 8 of the LaTeXCompanion reflecting changes in the AmS-LaTeXdistribution that made parts of ...
05-24 [ None ]
Mathletics: How Gamblers, Managers, and Sports Enthusiasts Use Mathematics in Baseball, Basketball, and Football 电子书下载
Mathletics is a remarkably entertaining book that shows readers how to use simple mathematics to analyze a range of statistical a ...
08-29 [ None ]
Exploring Formalisation: A Primer in Human-Readable Mathematics in Lean 3 with Examples from Simplicial Topology 电子书下载
This primer on mathematics formalisation provides a rapid, hands-on introduction to proof verification in Lean.After a quick intr ...
09-29 [ None ]
Whats Luck Got to Do with It?: The History, Mathematics, and Psychology of the Gamblers Illusion 电子书下载
Why do so many gamblers risk it all when they know the odds of winning are against them? Why do they believe dice are "hot" in a ...
08-29 [ None ]
Intelligent Computer Mathematics: 10th International Conference - James H. Davenport, William M. Farmer, Florian Rabe and Josef Urban 电子书下载
Intelligent Computer Mathematics: 10th International Conference - James H. Davenport, William M. Farmer, Florian Rabe and Josef UrbanJames H. Davenpor ...
02-05 [ computer ]
How Mathematicians Think: Using Ambiguity, Contradiction, and Paradox to Create Mathematics 电子书下载
To many outsiders, mathematicians appear to think like computers, grimly grinding away with a strict formal logic and moving meth ...
09-21 [ None ]
Defects of Properties in Mathematics: Quantitative Characterizations 电子书下载
This book introduces a method of reasearch which can be used in various fields of mathematics. It examines, in a systematic way, ...
10-08 [ None ]
Solution of Replica IITJEE mains 16 Comprehensive IIT JEE Tests Physics Chemistry Mathematics Researched and Designed by IITians Versus Learning Kota 电子书下载
Solution of Replica IITJEE mains 16 Comprehensive IIT JEE Tests Physics Chemistry Mathematics Researched and Designed by IITians ...
08-10 [ None ]
Wiley s Problems in Mathematics for IIT JEE Main and Advanced Vol I 1 Maestro Series with Summarized Concepts 电子书下载
Wiley s Problems in Mathematics for IIT JEE Main and Advanced Vol I 1 Maestro Series with Summarized Concepts ...
05-21 [ None ]