Understanding Autonomous Cooperation and Control in Logistics: The Impact of Autonomy on Management, Information, Communication and Material Flow 电子书下载
Autonomous co-operation addresses the control problem of logistic processes characterized by dynamical changing parameters and co ...
07-21 [ None ]
High Performance MySQL 4th Edition - Silvia Botros and Jeremy Tinley Foreword by Jeremy Cole 电子书下载
High Performance MySQL 4th Edition - Silvia Botros and Jeremy Tinley Foreword by Jeremy ColeSilvia Botros and Jeremy Tinley Foreword by Jeremy Cole ...
02-05 [ computer ]
Latlas mystérieux 电子书下载
Illustration de Sampar, Collection : Chat de goutière, 13 Série : Série des Atlas , tome 1«Jean ouvre le livre puis le referme vi ...
10-21 [ None ]
Java 8 in Action(非正式版): Lambdas, streams, and functional-style programming - Raoul-Gabriel Urma, Mario Fusco and Alan Mycroft 电子书下载
Java 8 in Action(非正式版): Lambdas, streams, and functional-style programming - Raoul-Gabriel Urma, Mario Fusco and Alan MycroftRaoul-Gabriel Urma, Mario ...
02-05 [ computer ]
Fortune in my eyes : a memoir of Broadway glamour, social justice, and political passion 电子书下载
Attica -- Danny Hogan -- The Theater -- Broadway -- Fortune and Men`s Eyes -- The Fortune Society -- Early Years -- Stories -- Pr ...
10-26 [ None ]
The Christ Myth (Westminster College-Oxford Classics in the Study of Religion) 电子书下载
First published in 1910, "The Christ Myth" drew violent criticism from theologians, the press, and the public. Eminent German phi ...
07-05 [ None ]
MySQL数据库原理、设计与应用 电子书下载
本书是面向MySQL 数据库初学者的入门教材, 以通俗易懂的语言、丰富实用的案例,详细讲解MySQL 的开发和管理技术。全书共1 2 章。第1 章讲解数据库基本概念和MySQL 的安装步骤;第2 、3 章讲解数据库的基本操作;第4 章讲解数据库设计的理论与实 ...
05-06 [ None ]
Everyday Economic Practices: The Hidden Transcripts of Egyptian Voices (New Political Economy) 电子书下载
This book brings to the forefront the significance of local everyday economic practices to development policymaking. Chowdhury`s ...
08-22 [ None ]
Myb Transcription Factors: Their Role in Growth, Differentiation and Disease 电子书下载
This volume represents the first collection of articles contributed by research leaders working on the Myb family of transcriptio ...
08-22 [ None ]
《财务诡计》霍华德 M.施利特(Howard M.Schilit) (作者), 杰里米·皮勒(Jeremy Perler) 电子书下载
内容简介:《财务诡计:揭秘财务史上13大骗术44种手段(原书第3版)》的重要价值就在于作者构建了全面完整的财务欺诈骗术的理论分析框架。首先《财务诡计:揭秘财务史上13大骗术44种手段(原书第3版)》从财务报告角度,将资本市场中各类财务欺诈骗术划分为收益类财务欺诈、现金流类财务欺诈和业绩指标类财务欺诈 ...
10-15 [ economy ]