The IDA Pro Book. The Unofficial Guide to the World’s Most Popular Disassembler 电子书下载
No source code? No problem. With IDA Pro, the interactive disassembler, you live in a source code-optional world. IDA can automat ...
08-11 [ None ]
The Decline of Men: How the American Male Is Tuning Out, Giving Up, and Flipping Off His Future 电子书下载
Why are so many of today`s supermen superclueless? Why are so many ambitious young women unable to find boyfriends as successful ...
10-26 [ None ]
《Word/Excel/PPT办公应用从入门到精通》杨阳办公应用三合一全新升级版,适用于office2016/2017版本,办公效率提升,不用加班,案头随时翻阅的office速查宝典文字版 电子书下载
杨阳,毕业于郑州大学信息管理信息系统专业,管理学学士学位,河南省职教学会信息化建设工作委员会常务理事,河南省计算机教育学会会员。先后发表计算机教学改革、信息化管理等方面论文十余篇。曾获得河南省教育厅人文社会科学研究优秀成果一等奖、河南省职业学校教学论文一等奖、河南省教育厅教育教学研究优秀成果二等奖, ...
09-17 [ computer ]
CCNA INTRO Official Exam Certification Guide 电子书下载
This volume is part of the Exam Certification Guide Series from Cisco PressR. Books in this series provide officially developed e ...
08-26 [ None ]
The IDA Pro book: The unofficial guide to the worlds most popular disassembler 电子书下载
No source code? No problem. With IDA Pro, the interactive disassembler, you live in a source code-optional world. IDA can automat ...
08-11 [ None ]
CCNA ICND2 Official Exam Certification Guide (CCNA Exams 640-816 and 640-802) (2nd Edition) 电子书下载
CCNA ICND2 Official Exam Certification Guide Second Edition Master ICND2 640-816 and CCNA 640-802 exam topics with the off ...
08-26 [ None ]
《当下的冲击:当数字化时代来临,一切突然发生》格拉斯•洛西科夫 (Douglas Rushkoff)文字版 电子书下载
道格拉斯·洛西科夫 (Douglas Rushkoff) ,享誉全球的传媒理论家。他还是CNN电视台的特邀评论员,以及《卫报》、“发现”频道和NPR电视台的投稿人。他还为PBS电视台制作了《酷文化商人》、《说服者》、《数码民族》等纪录片。他在Codecademy.com网站上积极呼吁数字化扫盲,并在 ...
09-27 [ computer ]