tvOS Apprentice 2nd Edition - Christine Abernathy, Jerry Beers, Eric Cerney, Sam Davies, Evan Dekhayser, Joshua Greene, Michael Katz, Kelvin Lau, Julien Martin & Mike Oliver 电子书下载
tvOS Apprentice 2nd Edition - Christine Abernathy, Jerry Beers, Eric Cerney, Sam Davies, Evan Dekhayser, Joshua Greene, Michael Katz, Kelvin Lau, Juli ...
02-05 [ computer ]
Practical Computer Vision with SimpleCV - Kurt Demaagd, Anthony Oliver, Nathan Oostendorp, and Katherine Scott 电子书下载
Practical Computer Vision with SimpleCV - Kurt Demaagd, Anthony Oliver, Nathan Oostendorp, and Katherine ScottKurt Demaagd, Anthony Oliver, Nathan Oos ...
02-05 [ computer ]
Oliver Twist (Collectors Library) 电子书下载
Charles Dickens is perhaps the English-speaking world’s most beloved novelist—and Oliver Twist is one of his most popular works. ...
07-29 [ None ]
Spring Data - Mark Pollack, Oliver Gierke, Thomas Risberg, Jon Brisbin and Michael Hunger 电子书下载
Spring Data - Mark Pollack, Oliver Gierke, Thomas Risberg, Jon Brisbin and Michael HungerMark Pollack, Oliver Gierke, Thomas Risberg, Jon Brisbin and ...
02-05 [ computer ]
《天生非此》[英] 奥利弗·詹姆斯 / Oliver James 电子书下载
内容简介:为什么我们在感受到父母的爱的同时,又常常隐隐地觉得委屈?为什么我们在性情、处世方面和父母越来越像?为什么父母非得用一种让双方都难受的方式与我们相处?先后天因素对人的影响一直是心理学家们关心的问题。本书的作者奥利弗•詹姆斯就对这一方面进行了深入探讨,并给出了自己的答案。他通过考察、引用前沿研 ...
10-14 [ education ]
《原生家庭生存指南》奥利弗·詹姆斯 / Oliver James 电子书下载
内容简介:家人对你的期待是否让你困扰? 你的生活中充满了嫉妒、竞争或不自信等元素吗? 与别人交往时,你是否总会陷入同一种破坏性的模式中? 作者将多年研究成果整合成本书,将人生最早的 6 年拆解开,为我们分别展示了一个人因何变得严厉或和善、冷淡或黏人、病态或健康。0~6 个月的主题是自体感与自我界限, ...
10-22 [ life ]
Probabilistic Deep Learning - Oliver Dürr, Beate Sick with Elvis Murina 电子书下载
Probabilistic Deep Learning - Oliver Dürr, Beate Sick with Elvis MurinaOliver Dürr, Beate Sick with Elvis Murina ...
02-05 [ computer ]