Ubuntu Linux for Non-Geeks: A Pain-Free, Project-Based, Get-Things-Done Guidebook 电子书下载
This newbie`s guide to Ubuntu lets readers learn by doing. Using immersion-learning techniques favored by language courses, step- ...
06-22 [ None ]
《画之密语:Painter绘画达人修炼秘籍》李贤美升级版 电子书下载
《画之密语:Painter绘画达人修炼秘籍》首先介绍绘画和Painter基础知识,然后通过精心挑选的18个实例,向各位介绍绘画中常用的画笔和绘画技法,带领读者轻松掌握Painter绘画技法,打牢基础,进而创作出有自己风格的作品。《画之密语:Painter绘画达人修炼秘籍》可供Painter初、中级读 ...
10-27 [ life ]
Watercolor Techniques: Painting Light and Color in Landscapes and Cityscapes 电子书下载
"No other medium is as magical and enjoyable as watercolor." So says artist and author Michael Reardon. In Watercolor Techniques: ...
10-08 [ None ]
Nabokov and the Art of Painting 电子书下载
“Sounds have colors and colors have smells.” This sentence in Ada is only one of the many moments in Nabokov’s work where he soug ...
07-02 [ None ]
Continuous Delivery and DevOps: A Quickstart Guide, 2nd Edition: Deliver quality software regularly and painlessly by adopting CD and DevOps 电子书下载
Continuous Delivery (CD) and DevOps are fast becoming the next big thing(s) in relation to the delivery and support of software. ...
07-19 [ None ]
Beginners Guide to Digital Painting in Procreate: How to Create Art on an iPad® 电子书下载
Delve into the world of digital painting on an iPad with step-by-step tutorials, hints, and tips from professional artists.Please ...
02-16 [ None ]
Painters Quick Reference. Birds & Butterflies 电子书下载
В книге вы найдёте более 40 примеров шаг за шагом, чтобы помочь вам точно передать красоту бабочек и большое разнообразие птиц: п ...
10-08 [ None ]
Painting Vibrant Watercolors. Discover the Magic of Light, Color and Contrast 电子书下载
This book is the perfect balance of classic theory and hands-on technique. Engaging and easy-to-follow instruction gives you a so ...
10-08 [ None ]
Ubuntu for Non-Geeks: A Pain-Free, Project-Based, Get-Things-Done Guidebook 电子书下载
This newbies guide to Ubuntu - now updated for Ubuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn), the latest Ubuntu release, which puts the spotlight on ...
06-22 [ None ]
A Corpus of Rembrandt Paintings VI - Rembrandt’s Paintings Revisited: A Complete Survey 电子书下载
This concluding sixth volume of A Corpus of Rembrandt Paintings presents a revised, chronologically ordered survey of Rembrandt’s ...
10-14 [ None ]