Charlie Parker for Guitar: Note-for-Note Transcriptions and Detailed Performance Notes for 18 Bebop Classics (Guitar Educational) 电子书下载
I have been working with this book for a few months now. If you`re looking to rip some licks or to learn the heads of his tunes w ...
08-22 [ None ]
Distributed Tracing in Practice - Austin Parker, Daniel Spoonhower, Jonathan Mace, and Rebecca Isaacs with Ben Sigelman 电子书下载
Distributed Tracing in Practice - Austin Parker, Daniel Spoonhower, Jonathan Mace, and Rebecca Isaacs with Ben SigelmanAustin Parker, Daniel Spoonhowe ...
02-05 [ computer ]
An Artist’s Guide To Programming - Jim Parker 电子书下载
An Artist’s Guide To Programming - Jim ParkerJim Parker ...
02-05 [ computer ]
《批判性思维(第11版,中文版)》[美]布鲁克·诺埃尔·摩尔(Brooke Noel Moore) / [美]理查德·帕克(Richard Parker) 电子书下载
内容简介:1. 诉诸人身的谬误——试图通过讨论立场的来源而不是针对立场来反驳论证。 2. 稻草人谬误——通过歪曲对方的观点来驳斥对方。 3. 虚假的两难境地——试图提供难以接受、难以企及或难以置信的选项,结论只能从这些选项中择取。 4. 错置举证责任——通过把举证责任推给对方来支持或证明自己的立场。 ...
09-06 [ historical ]
React Programming: The Big Nerd Ranch Guide - Loren Klingman and Ashley Parker 电子书下载
React Programming: The Big Nerd Ranch Guide - Loren Klingman and Ashley ParkerLoren Klingman and Ashley Parker ...
02-05 [ computer ]