Supercharge Power BI: Power BI Is Better When You Learn to Write DAX 电子书下载
Power BI is a self-service (and enterprise) Business Intelligence (BI) tool that facilitates data acquisition, modeling, and visu ...
05-27 [ None ]
Modern Electric, Hybrid Electric, and Fuel Cell Vehicles: Fundamentals, Theory, and Design, Second Edition (Power Electronics and Applications Series) 电子书下载
a great book while learning about vehicle and engine characteristics, to then further expand on hybrid and electric vehicle appli ...
07-10 [ None ]
Grover Park George On Access: Unleash the Power of Access 电子书下载
A textbook and study guide for new and intermediate Microsoft Access users, this book takes Access developers through the develop ...
07-05 [ None ]
Cleaning Excel Data With Power Query Straight to the Point 电子书下载
Cleaning Excel Data With Power Query Straight To The Point ...
05-17 [ None ]
英语说文解字 - Word Power Made Easy 电子书下载
Word Power Made Easy 一本与众不同、自成一格的词汇学习书。中国市场现有的词汇书籍基本全部局限于对个别词根的举例说明,仅仅告之词根的含义,再列举几个实例。Word Power Made Easy 以词汇所在语境为入手点,从概念入手,强调概念 ...
07-27 [ None ]
《Word+Excel+PowerPoint 2013办公应用》顾永湘经典版 电子书下载
《Word+Excel+PowerPoint2013办公应用/轻松学电脑教程系列》以通俗易懂的语言、翔实生动的实例,全面介绍了中文版Word、Excel和PowerPoint2013办公应用的相关知识。《Word+Excel+PowerPoint2013办公应用/轻松学电脑教程系列》共分12章,涵盖 ...
09-16 [ computer ]
Mastering SQL Queries for SAP Business One: Utilize the power of SQL queries to bring Business Intelligence to your small to medium-sized business 电子书下载
Practical SAP query examples from an SAP Business One expert. Detailed steps to create and troubleshoot SQL queries for Alerts, A ...
04-29 [ None ]
Collect, Transform and Combine Data using Power BI and Power Query in Excel (Business Skills) 电子书下载
Using Power Query, you can import, reshape, and cleanse any data from a simple interface, so you can mine that data for all of it ...
04-29 [ None ]