Title IX and the Protection of Pregnant and Parenting College Students: Realities and Challenges 电子书下载
This book explores the discrepancies among what protections Title IX provides to pregnant and parenting students, what colleges c ...
09-20 [ None ]
Blast Protection of Civil Infrastructures and Vehicles using Composites 电子书下载
With the upsurge in terrorism and with it, blast threats, there is growing interest in manufacturing blast-hardened structures an ...
06-10 [ None ]
貿易戰爭:誰獲利?誰受害?解開自由貿易與保護主義的難解之謎(The Choice : A Fable of Free Trade and Protectionism) 电子书下载
這本書的主角,是十九世紀偉大的經濟學家:大衛.李嘉圖(David Ricardo),他是「比較利益」原理的奠基者。為了進入天堂,他必須說服一家美國的製造商老闆:即使開放進口會打擊本國產業,但是對於國家整體長期還是有利的。李嘉圖帶他穿越時空,看看完全禁止進口的 ...
06-12 [ None ]
The Green Multiplier: A Study of Environmental Protection and the Supply Chain 电子书下载
Supply chain mangement, a generally overlooked area of management, is steadily evolving into a corporate function of ever-growing ...
08-17 [ None ]
Primer for Design of Commercial Buildings to Mitigate Terrorist Attacks: Providing Protection to People and Buildings (Risk Management) 电子书下载
Provides guidance to building designers, owners, and state and local governments to mitigate the effects of hazards resulting fro ...
08-02 [ None ]
Brain Protection in Schizophrenia, Mood and Cognitive Disorders 电子书下载
Neuroprotection is a novel perspective for the treatment of disorders that lead to neurodegeneration and disabilities as a result ...
08-01 [ None ]