Understanding Autonomous Cooperation and Control in Logistics: The Impact of Autonomy on Management, Information, Communication and Material Flow 电子书下载
Autonomous co-operation addresses the control problem of logistic processes characterized by dynamical changing parameters and co ...
07-21 [ None ]
Programming Perl 4th Edition - Tom Christiansen, brian d foy & Larry Wall, with Jon Orwant 电子书下载
Programming Perl 4th Edition - Tom Christiansen, brian d foy & Larry Wall, with Jon OrwantTom Christiansen, brian d foy & Larry Wall, with Jon Orwant ...
02-05 [ computer ]
ActionScript 3.0 Cookbook - Joey Lott, Darron Schall, and Keith Peters 电子书下载
ActionScript 3.0 Cookbook - Joey Lott, Darron Schall, and Keith PetersJoey Lott, Darron Schall, and Keith Peters ...
02-05 [ computer ]
How To Improve Your School 电子书下载
This fascinating book focuses on those who are most affected by changes in education policy and systems-the pupils. It draws on e ...
06-07 [ None ]
《Android系统源代码情景分析》罗升阳 电子书下载
罗升阳:1984年出生,2007年毕业于浙江大学计算机系,取得学士学位,2010年毕业于上海交通大学计算机系,取得硕士学位。毕业后一直从事于互联网软件开发,并且致力于移动平台的研究,特别是对Android平台有深入的理解和研究。在国内知名IT技术社区CSDN上发表了数十篇高质量的Android系统原 ...
09-15 [ computer ]
LEARN ESP32 WITH ARDUINO: Arduino Coding, ESP32 Coding, Circuit Diagram, IoT Projects, MQTT 电子书下载
LEARN ESP32 WITH ARDUINOMQTT, Arduino Coding, ESP32 Coding,Circuit Diagram, IoT Projects ...
04-24 [ None ]
An Introduction to Survival Analysis Using Stata 电子书下载
An Introduction to Survival Analysis Using Stata, Third Edition provides the foundation to understand various approaches for anal ...
02-27 [ None ]
XML and InDesign - Dorothy J. Hoskins 电子书下载
XML and InDesign - Dorothy J. HoskinsDorothy J. Hoskins ...
02-05 [ computer ]
Introducing Microsoft NET 电子书下载
What problems does Microsoft .NET solve? What architectural approaches does it take to solve them? How do you start using .NET-an ...
05-24 [ None ]
Solution of optical and microwave problems using HFSS 电子书下载
this book is the first english book of real practical works in HFSS ...
10-17 [ None ]
Android Essentials - Chris Haseman 电子书下载
Android Essentials - Chris HasemanChris Haseman ...
02-05 [ computer ]
Programming PHP 3rd Edition - Kevin Tatroe, Peter MacIntyre, and Rasmus Lerdorf 电子书下载
Programming PHP 3rd Edition - Kevin Tatroe, Peter MacIntyre, and Rasmus LerdorfKevin Tatroe, Peter MacIntyre, and Rasmus Lerdorf ...
02-05 [ computer ]
RxSwift: Reactive Programming with Swift 4th Edition - Junior Bontognali, Scott Gardner, Shai Mishali, Florent Pillet & Marin Todorov 电子书下载
RxSwift: Reactive Programming with Swift 4th Edition - Junior Bontognali, Scott Gardner, Shai Mishali, Florent Pillet & Marin TodorovJunior Bontognali ...
02-05 [ computer ]
Head First HTML and CSS 2nd Edition - Elisabeth Robson and Eric Freeman 电子书下载
Head First HTML and CSS 2nd Edition - Elisabeth Robson and Eric FreemanElisabeth Robson and Eric Freeman ...
02-05 [ computer ]