Did Darwin Write the Origin Backwards: Philosophical Essays on Darwins Theory (Prometheus Prize) 电子书下载
Is it accurate to label Darwin`s theory "the theory of evolution by natural selection," given that the concept of common ancestry ...
07-05 [ None ]
Micromechanics of Defects in Solids (Mechanics of Elastic and Inelastic Solids) 电子书下载
This book stems from a course on Micromechanics that I started about fifteen years ago at Northwestern University. At that time, ...
03-19 [ None ]
Prometheus bound 电子书下载
This is an outstandingly useful edition of Prometheus Bound. The translation is both faithful and graceful, and the introduction ...
07-05 [ None ]
面相终末的美德——罗马书讲疏 (Der Brief an die Römer) 电子书下载
《罗马书讲疏》是从佩特森遗稿中整理出版的新约释经学作品之一,亦是其中唯一一部对新约篇章进行完整讲疏的文字。《罗马书》向来就是考察新约释经学家本事的试金石,佩特森又对保罗文献一直情有独钟,故本书的重要性自不待说,德文版遗稿出版时,它就被列为其首。《罗马书》对于 ...
09-06 [ None ]
Rome Against Caratacus: The Roman Campaigns in Britain AD 48-58 (Roman Conquest of Britain) 电子书下载
The Roman Conquest of Britain in AD 43 was one of the most important turning points in the history of the British Isles. It left ...
09-22 [ None ]