Royal Priesthood: A Theology of Ordained Ministry 电子书下载
An up-to-date ecumenical understanding of the Church and its ministry that cuts across divisions between Catholic and Evangelical ...
02-20 [ None ]
The House of Jaipur: The Inside Story of India’s Most Glamorous Royal Family 电子书下载
For generations, the House of Jaipur has been synonymous with exquisite maharanis, polo-playing maharajas and playboy princes, fa ...
10-08 [ None ]
Coupled thermo-hydro-mechanical-chemical processes in geo-systems: fundamentals, modelling, experiments and applications, GeoProc2003 conference held at the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, Sweden, in October 2003 电子书下载
Among the most important and exciting current steps forward in geo-engineering is the development of coupled numerical models. Th ...
05-25 [ None ]