Numerical Analysis: Using MATLAB and Excel 3rd Edition - Steven T. Karris 电子书下载
Numerical Analysis: Using MATLAB and Excel 3rd Edition - Steven T. KarrisSteven T. Karris ...
02-05 [ computer ]
Learning Oracle PLSQL - Bill Pribyl with Steven Feuerstein 电子书下载
Learning Oracle PLSQL - Bill Pribyl with Steven FeuersteinBill Pribyl with Steven Feuerstein ...
02-05 [ computer ]
Elastic Beanstalk - Jurg van Vliet, Flavia Paganelli, Steven van Wel, and Dara Dowd 电子书下载
Elastic Beanstalk - Jurg van Vliet, Flavia Paganelli, Steven van Wel, and Dara DowdJurg van Vliet, Flavia Paganelli, Steven van Wel, and Dara Dowd ...
02-05 [ computer ]
The Art of Unix Programming - Eric Steven Raymond 电子书下载
The Art of Unix Programming - Eric Steven RaymondEric Steven Raymond ...
02-05 [ computer ]
Regular Expressions Cookbook 2nd Edition - Jan Goyvaerts and Steven Levithan 电子书下载
Regular Expressions Cookbook 2nd Edition - Jan Goyvaerts and Steven LevithanJan Goyvaerts and Steven Levithan ...
02-05 [ computer ]
Cocoa and Objective-C Up and Running - Scott Stevenson 电子书下载
Cocoa and Objective-C Up and Running - Scott StevensonScott Stevenson ...
02-05 [ computer ]
Numerical Analysis: Using MATLAB and Spreadsheets 2nd Edition - Steven T. Karris 电子书下载
Numerical Analysis: Using MATLAB and Spreadsheets 2nd Edition - Steven T. KarrisSteven T. Karris ...
02-05 [ computer ]
The Algorithm Design Manual 2nd Edition - Steven S. Skiena 电子书下载
The Algorithm Design Manual 2nd Edition - Steven S. SkienaSteven S. Skiena ...
02-05 [ computer ]
Learn Linux in a Month of Lunches - Steven Ovadia 电子书下载
Learn Linux in a Month of Lunches - Steven OvadiaSteven Ovadia ...
02-05 [ computer ]
《魔鬼经济学合集(共4册)》史蒂芬·列维特(Steven D. Levitt) / [美]史蒂芬·都伯纳(Stephen J. Dubner) 电子书下载
内容简介:《魔鬼经济学1:揭示隐藏在表象之下的真实世界》 列维特和都伯纳取材日常生活,以经济学的方式来探索日常事物背后的世界:念书给婴儿听会不会使他日后成为一个好学生?游泳池比枪支还危险?贩毒集团的结构其实和麦当劳的组织很像;父母教养方式的差异对孩子影响不大…… 话题五花八门,却都与我们看待这个世界 ...
10-14 [ economy ]
Natural Language Processing with Python - Steven Bird, Ewan Klein, and Edward Loper 电子书下载
Natural Language Processing with Python - Steven Bird, Ewan Klein, and Edward LoperSteven Bird, Ewan Klein, and Edward Loper ...
02-05 [ computer ]
TCP/IP Illustrated, Volume 2: The Implementation - Gary R. Wright and W. Richard Stevens 电子书下载
TCP/IP Illustrated, Volume 2: The Implementation - Gary R. Wright and W. Richard StevensGary R. Wright and W. Richard Stevens ...
02-05 [ computer ]
Swift Apprentice 4th Edition - Ehab Amer, Alexis Gallagher, Matt Galloway, Eli Ganim, Ben Morrow, Cosmin Pupăză and Steven Van Impe 电子书下载
Swift Apprentice 4th Edition - Ehab Amer, Alexis Gallagher, Matt Galloway, Eli Ganim, Ben Morrow, Cosmin Pupăză and Steven Van ImpeEhab Amer, Alexis G ...
02-05 [ computer ]
Deep Learning with PyTorch Manning - Eli Stevens, Luca Antiga and Thomas Viehmann 电子书下载
Deep Learning with PyTorch Manning - Eli Stevens, Luca Antiga and Thomas ViehmannEli Stevens, Luca Antiga and Thomas Viehmann ...
02-05 [ computer ]
Pro Data Backup and Recovery - Steven Nelson 电子书下载
Pro Data Backup and Recovery - Steven NelsonSteven Nelson ...
02-05 [ computer ]
《经济奇点》Steven Hill 电子书下载
内容简介:工人阶层曾经是全世界最有生产力和社会财富的阶层之一,然而现在正在经历一种令人警醒的转型期。 越来越多的工人发现自己的处境岌岌可危,他们开始变成自由职业者、临时工或者个人承包商。即便是那些全职的、专业的工作岗位,也正处于这场不可预测的转变当中。未来十年,在1.45亿美国工 人中,将近一半都会 ...
10-14 [ economy ]
Signals and Systems: with MATLAB Applications 2nd Edition - Steven T. Karris 电子书下载
Signals and Systems: with MATLAB Applications 2nd Edition - Steven T. KarrisSteven T. Karris ...
02-05 [ computer ]