Elastic Beanstalk - Jurg van Vliet, Flavia Paganelli, Steven van Wel, and Dara Dowd 电子书下载
Elastic Beanstalk - Jurg van Vliet, Flavia Paganelli, Steven van Wel, and Dara DowdJurg van Vliet, Flavia Paganelli, Steven van Wel, and Dara Dowd ...
02-05 [ computer ]
Garage Sale Stalker 电子书下载
Jennifer Shannon lives in secure, affluent McLean, Virginia, where she stumbles into danger lurking in places she thought absolut ...
10-24 [ None ]
BizTalk 2013 Recipes: A Problem-Solution Approach 2nd Edition - Mark Beckner and Kishore Dharanikota 电子书下载
BizTalk 2013 Recipes: A Problem-Solution Approach 2nd Edition - Mark Beckner and Kishore DharanikotaMark Beckner and Kishore Dharanikota ...
02-05 [ computer ]
Furthering Talk: Advances in the Discursive Therapies 电子书下载
Recently, a client coming in for her second appointment, told me the story ofhow she had been volunteeringher timeforthe pastseve ...
10-08 [ None ]
Nanotalk: Conversations With Scientists And Engineers About Ethics, Meaning, And Belief in the Development of Nanotechnology 电子书下载
No one really knows where nanotechnology is leading, what its pursuit will mean, and how it may affect human and other forms of l ...
08-18 [ None ]
The Violences of Men: How Men Talk About and How Agencies Respond to Mens Violence to Women 电子书下载
Addressing the problem of men`s violence to known women, this book considers the scale of, and critically reviews the theoretical ...
08-12 [ None ]