Poesie der Grammatik und Grammatik der Poesie: Sämtliche Gedichtanalysen in 2 Bänden: Band 1 Poetologische Schriften und Analysen zur Lyrik vom Mittelalter bis zur Aufklärung. Band 2 Analysen zur Lyrik von der Romantik bis zur Moderne 电子书下载
Two book set. Roman Jakobson`s "Poetry of Grammar and Grammar of Poetry" (1981), that monumental work of his later years, to ...
09-01 [ None ]
Antenatal and Postnatal Mental Health: The NICE Guideline on Clinical Management and Service Guidance 电子书下载
This guideline, commissioned by the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE), covers the care and treatment o ...
10-08 [ None ]