《暗时间 : Dark Time》刘未鹏 电子书下载
内容简介:2003年,刘未鹏在杂志上发表了自己的第一篇文章,并开始写博客。最初的博客较短,也较琐碎,并夹杂着一些翻译的文章。后来渐渐开始有了一些自己的心得和看法。总体上在这8年里,作者平均每个月写1篇博客或更少,但从未停止。刘未鹏说——写博客这件事情给我最大的体会就是,一件事情如果你能够坚持做8年, ...
10-14 [ life ]
CBD Oil for Psychosis & Schizophrenia: The Ultimate Guide on Everything about Psychosis & Schizophrenia. How It Can Be Treated with CBD Oil 电子书下载
We mentioned that psychosis and schizophrenia are mental disorders that represent a total detachment from reality, but what is it ...
08-01 [ None ]
Enlargement of the Eu & the Treaty of Nice (Financial Times Executive Briefings) 电子书下载
The Nice Treaty will shape the future of the European Union. Understanding the treaty and its implications is key for all those d ...
07-25 [ None ]
Learning and Operating Presto - Angelica Lo Duca, Tim Meehan, Vivek Bharathan, and Ying Su 电子书下载
Learning and Operating Presto - Angelica Lo Duca, Tim Meehan, Vivek Bharathan, and Ying SuAngelica Lo Duca, Tim Meehan, Vivek Bharathan, and Ying Su ...
02-05 [ computer ]
Advances in Multimedia Information Processing - PCM 2009: 10th Pacific Rim Conference on Multimedia, Bangkok, Thailand, December 15-18, 2009 Proceedings 电子书下载
This book constitutes the proceedings of the 10th Pacific Rim Conference on Multimedia, held in Bangkok, Thailand during December ...
09-22 [ None ]
Server Side Swift with Vapor - Tim Condon, Tanner Nelson, Jonas Schwartz & Logan Wright 电子书下载
Server Side Swift with Vapor - Tim Condon, Tanner Nelson, Jonas Schwartz & Logan WrightTim Condon, Tanner Nelson, Jonas Schwartz & Logan Wright ...
02-05 [ computer ]
Securing and Optimizing Linux: A Hands on Guide for Linux Professionals, Redhat Edition 电子书下载
Book by Mourani, Gerhard ...
06-21 [ None ]
Real-Time Analytics - Byron Ellis 电子书下载
Real-Time Analytics - Byron EllisByron Ellis ...
02-05 [ computer ]
Lagrange multipliers and optimality 电子书下载
Lagrange multipliers used to be viewed as auxiliary variables introduced in a problem of constrained minimization in order to wri ...
08-17 [ None ]
Realtime Web Apps - Jason Lengstorf and Phil Leggetter 电子书下载
Realtime Web Apps - Jason Lengstorf and Phil LeggetterJason Lengstorf and Phil Leggetter ...
02-05 [ computer ]