The Universe (Pocket Essentials) 电子书下载
Pocket Essentials is a dynamic series of books that are concise, lively, and easy to read. Packed with facts as well as expert op ...
07-01 [ None ]
The Labyrinth of Time: Introducing the Universe 电子书下载
SynopsisModern physics has revealed a universe that is a much stranger place than we could have imagined, filled with black holes ...
05-24 [ None ]
Decoding Reality: The Universe as Quantum Information 电子书下载
For a physicist, all the world is information. The Universe and its workings are the ebb and flow of information. We are all tran ...
08-16 [ None ]
内在的宇宙——出生星图解析指南 Inner Universe(Chinese Edition) 电子书下载
深度占星学先驱史蒂芬·阿若优的经典之作,帮你发现、解析、转化,并活出真实的自己,有些东西不容易被量化,但这并不代表它们不存在或不重要! 史蒂芬·阿若优建立的准则与发明的方法广受千万读者的青睐,他之前的著作,如畅销书《生命四元素:占星与心理学》和《生命的轨迹 ...
03-02 [ None ]
That Pig Gonna Fly: Magic and Mayhem Universe (Maidens of Mayhem) 电子书下载
Take…One Outstanding Owl with an Overactive Imagination…Four fine-feathered Femme Fatales who just happen to be her most favorite ...
06-19 [ None ]