倾向值分析: 统计方法与应用 Propensity Score Analysis: Statistical Methods and Applications 电子书下载
本书阐述了重要的统计学原理和定理, 省略了论证, 通俗易懂, 侧重应用,是社会行为科学研究者了解当代前沿因果分析方法的重要工具书。本书系统介绍了四种用于因果分析的前沿统计方法: (1)由2000年诺贝尔经济学得主美国芝加哥大学教授杰姆斯• 海科曼(Jame ...
04-24 [ None ]
Design-Oriented Analysis of Structures: A Unified Approach (Solid Mechanics and Its Applications, Volume 95) (Solid Mechanics and Its Applications) 电子书下载
This book deals with problems of multiple repeated analyses (reanalysis) of structures. It introduces various concepts and method ...
03-17 [ None ]
MATLAB Codes for Finite Element Analysis: Solids and Structures (Solid Mechanics and Its Applications) 电子书下载
This book illustrates how MATLAB compact and powerful programming framework can be very useful in the finete element analysis of ...
03-17 [ None ]
数学分析习题全解指南(上册) (mathematical analysis solution guide to the whole exercise) 电子书下载
数学分析习题全解指南(复旦大学数学系陈纪修主编2004年第二版)(上册) 陈纪修 徐惠平 周渊 金路 邱维元主编 2005年 高等教育出版社.pdf ...
09-13 [ None ]
Investments Workbook: Principles of Portfolio and Equity Analysis (CFA Institute Investment Series) 电子书下载
Companion workbook to the CFA Institute`s Investments: Principles of Portfolio and Equity Analysis WorkbookIn a world of speciali ...
05-01 [ None ]
MIDAS Technical Analysis: A VWAP Approach to Trading and Investing in Todays Markets 电子书下载
This book provides a new, powerful twist to MIDAS technical analysis, a trading method developed by the late Paul Levine. The aut ...
05-16 [ None ]
Fixed Income Analysis Workbook (CFA Institute Investment Series) 电子书下载
In this fully revised and updated Second Edition of Fixed Income Analysis, readers will be introduced to a variety of important f ...
05-01 [ None ]
Abaqus analysis users manual, volume 1, version 6.7 电子书下载
contains a lot of examples and problems; maths can`t just be learnt out of textbooks; you need this kind of book in order to go f ...
05-20 [ None ]
Advances in Sensitivity Analysis and Parametic Programming 电子书下载
The standard view of Operations Research/Management Science (OR/MS) dichotomizes the field into deterministic and probabilistic ( ...
10-08 [ None ]
Circuit Analysis II with MATLAB Computing and Simulink SimPowerSystems Modeling 电子书下载
This text is written for use in a second course in circuit analysis. It encompasses a spectrum of subjects ranging from the most ...
05-26 [ None ]
Advances in Web Mining and Web Usage Analysis: 7th International Workshop on Knowledge Discovery on the Web, WebKDD 2005, Chicago, IL, USA, August 21, 2005. Revised Papers 电子书下载
Thisbookcontainsthepostworkshopproceedingsofthe7thInternationalWo- shop on Knowledge Discovery from the Web, WEBKDD 2005. The WEB ...
04-24 [ None ]
Social Accounting Matrices and Multiplier Analysis: An Introduction with Excercises 电子书下载
This training guide introduces development practitioners, policy analysts, and students to social accounting matrices (SAMs) and ...
08-17 [ None ]