LAN Switch Security: What Hackers Know About Your Switches - Eric Vyncke and Christopher Paggen 电子书下载
LAN Switch Security: What Hackers Know About Your Switches - Eric Vyncke and Christopher PaggenEric Vyncke and Christopher Paggen ...
02-05 [ computer ]
Spring Security 3.1 : secure your web applications from hackers with the step-by-step guide 电子书下载
Spring Security 3.1 ...
06-27 [ None ]
Arduino for Secret Agents: Transform your tiny Arduino device into a secret agent gadget to build a range of espionage projects with this practical guide for hackers 电子书下载
Q might have Bond`s gadgets– but he doesn`t have an Arduino (not yet at least). Find out how the tiny Arduino microcomputer can b ...
07-05 [ None ]
Servers for Hackers - Chris Fidao 电子书下载
Servers for Hackers - Chris FidaoChris Fidao ...
02-05 [ computer ]
Machine Learning for Hackers - Drew Conway and John Myles White 电子书下载
Machine Learning for Hackers - Drew Conway and John Myles WhiteDrew Conway and John Myles White ...
02-05 [ computer ]