花园里的机器:美国的技术与田园理想=The Machine in the Garden: Technology and the Pastoral Ideal in America 电子书下载
美国人对自然环境的态度长久以来一直是矛盾的,先辈们虽然把未开发的美洲大陆视为一个可供休憩的静穆田园而珍惜有加,但是却创造出一群巨无霸的工业城市,于是19世纪的美洲花园里突然出现了“机器”意象,便成为这种矛盾性的一个重要的核心隐喻。 在这本影响甚广的著作里, ...
05-09 [ None ]
包豪斯理想: Bauhaus Ideal 电子书下载
包豪斯(Bauhaus)是一所德国的艺术和建筑学校,讲授并发展设计教育,1919年创立于德国魏玛。由于包豪斯对于现代建筑学的深远影响,今日的包豪斯早已不单是指学校,而是其倡导的建筑流派或风格的统称,即注重建筑造型与实用机能合而为一。包豪斯的当代设计,对现代而 ...
10-18 [ None ]
The Ideas Industry: How Pessimists, Partisans, and Plutocrats are Transforming the Marketplace of Ideas 电子书下载
The public intellectual, as a person and ideal, has a long and storied history. Writing in venues like the New Republic and Comme ...
10-25 [ None ]
Roadmap to Strategic HR: Turning a Great Idea into a Business Reality 电子书下载
Foreword by Dave Ulrich For all the theories and talk about making human resources a strategic component of business, in most or ...
08-29 [ None ]
Smart Students Guide to Ideas for IELTS Writing Task 2: Learn to think from the perspective of the IELTS Examiner and gain a higher band score 电子书下载
There is a common misconception among candidates that the examiner is looking for the finest possible ideas in order to solve the ...
06-27 [ None ]
神奇的手帳整理魔法: 手寫筆記×文具控,50個Ideas讓工作生活更美好 电子书下载
「寫出」一本好手帳,我要找回100分人生 有的人可以利用筆記養成夢寐以求的好習慣, 有的人可以善用文具把辦公桌上的雜亂徹底重整, 有的人則依靠漂亮的手帳本儲存自己最美麗的回憶。 和手帳交心的最好方法,就是把她寫得淋漓盡致,這位好朋友才會在需要時給妳幫 ...
07-08 [ None ]
Python Automation Cookbook: 75 Python automation ideas for web scraping, data wrangling, and processing Excel, reports, emails, and more, 2nd Edition 电子书下载
Get a firm grip on the core processes including browser automation, web scraping, Word, Excel, and GUI automation with Python 3.8 ...
10-24 [ None ]
Deglobalization: Ideas for a New World Economy (Global Issues) 电子书下载
This is a short and trenchant history of the organizations--the World Bank, IMF, WTO, and Group of Seven--that have promoted econ ...
10-09 [ None ]
作为意志与表象的世界第2卷 (The World As Will and Idea, Volume 2) 电子书下载
Arthur Schopenhauer`s book "The World As Will and Idea" in English with commentary in Chinese aimed at Chinese speakers wanting t ...
10-24 [ None ]