黑錢的真相:貪汙不只是掏空國庫,更吞噬了你我生活所需的一切! (Global Corruption: Money, Power and Ethics in the Modern World) 电子书下载
奈及利亞每年有三百億的石油收益,人民每日收入卻低於兩美元 印尼貧民想購買飲水,要付出的價錢卻比富人高了十倍 無所不在的貪汙,侵蝕著教育、醫療、金融與民生資源 我們每日的努力,卻淪為惡政下的犧牲品 本書將揭開祕密交易、資源壟斷、回扣文化最黑暗的內幕 ...
07-30 [ None ]
The Think Big Manifesto: Think You Cant Change Your Life (and the World)? Think Again 电子书下载
Every year, millions of people fall victim to a debilitating disease—a disease that cripples careers, destroys relationships, and ...
04-08 [ None ]
The Glamour Girls of Bill Ward 电子书下载
Renowned pin-up artist Bill Ward gets the full coffee table treatment in a lavish, oversized, full-color collection of his most p ...
10-26 [ None ]