《Professional C++, Fourth Edition》(英文原版专业C++ 第4版)Marc Gregoire文字版 电子书下载
C++, Fourth Edition, provides a code-intensive, practical guide to best practices for designing and building C++ applications. Geared to experienced ...
12-23 [ computer ]
《Excel 2019 BIBLE》(英文原版) Michael Alexander 文字版 电子书下载
The complete guide to Excel 2019 Whether you are just starting out or an Excel novice, the Excel 2019 Bible is your comprehensive, go-to guide for all ...
09-18 [ computer ]
《300 CLASSIC POEMS:经典诗歌300首》(英文原版) (Holybird Pocket Classics) 亨利·W·朗费罗 文字版 电子书下载
This anthology contains many of the finest short poems ever written by the world-famous poets, including Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Walt Whitman, Alf ...
09-13 [ education ]
《Excel 2019 All-in-One For Dummies》(英文原版)Greg Harvey 电子书下载
ISBN-13 书号:9781119517948Author 作者:Greg HarveyFormat 版本:平装-胶订Pages Number 页数:792页Publication Date 出版日期:2018-10-19Language 语种:英语 ...
09-15 [ computer ]
《The Busy Coder’s Guide To Android Development》(英文原版安卓开发)Mark L.Murphy 文字版 电子书下载
There are many Android programming guides that give you the basics. This book goes beyond simple apps into many areas of Android development that you ...
09-19 [ computer ]