Origins of the Hussite Uprising: The Chronicle of Laurence of Březová (1414 –1421) 电子书下载
The Hussite Chronicle is the most important single narrative source for the events of the early Hussite movement. The author is L ...
10-17 [ None ]
Social Networks and Historical Sociolinguistics: Studies in Morphosyntactic Variation in the Paston Letters (1421-1503) 电子书下载
The author analyzes, from a historical sociolinguistic point of view, selected domains of morphosyntactic variation in a 250,000 ...
10-17 [ None ]
花图鉴:421种人气花艺素材图解 电子书下载
进到花店,被色彩缤纷、形态各异的鲜花包围,一时不知如何选择,亦或是心中早有心仪的样式,却苦于不知如何和店员沟通?那就翻开这本书吧!本书介绍了421种花店中备受欢迎的品种,除了花名、花语、尺寸、颜色、上市时间等基本信息外,还介绍了实用的养护和搭配技巧。书中最后 ...
05-25 [ None ]