Cardiology Procedures-A Clinical Primer (May 12, 2022)(3030952584)(Springer).pdf 电子书下载
This extensively revised edition is a single compact reference that describes a wide variety of diagnostic and therapeutic proced ...
06-16 [ None ]
Opengl Superbible: The Complete Guide to Opengl Programming for Windows Nt and Windows 95 电子书下载
I have had great difficulty trying to get the example programs to run. Code snippets are missing include files, some code produce ...
06-04 [ None ]
《李鸿章时代(1870—1895)》王鼎杰珍藏版 电子书下载
王鼎杰,曾任某公立省重点高中历史教师三年,因痛感于基层教学之缺乏人文精神和创新理念而辞职,以自由撰稿人身份著书立说,并致力于传统史学复兴。现为中华能源基金委员会(CEFC)战略分析师,海南海洋安全与合作研究院高级研究员。主要研究领域:战略学,战争史,儒学,中国传统史学。著有《当天朝遭遇帝国:大战略视 ...
09-13 [ historical ]
Crisis and Continuity at the Abbasid Court : Formal and Informal Politics in the Caliphate of al-Muqtadir (295–320-908–32) 电子书下载
The reign of al-Muqtadir (295-320/908-32) is a crucial and controversial epoch in the history of the Abbasid empire. Al-Muqtadir’ ...
09-19 [ None ]
Introduction to Programming with Fortran: With Coverage of Fortran 90, 95, 2003, 2008 and 77 - Ian Chivers and Jane Sleightholme 电子书下载
Introduction to Programming with Fortran: With Coverage of Fortran 90, 95, 2003, 2008 and 77 - Ian Chivers and Jane SleightholmeIan Chivers and Jane S ...
02-05 [ computer ]
《瓜分波兰1772-1795》乔治•肖-勒费弗文字版 电子书下载
乔治•肖-勒费弗(George Shaw-Lefevre,1831—1928),英国自由党政治家,著名历史学家,研究波兰史和土耳其史的权威学者。生于英国巴特西,毕业于伊顿公学和剑桥大学的三一学院。1868年至1893年,历任英国贸易部副大臣、内政部副大臣、海军部副大臣、枢密院顾问、劳工首席专员、邮电 ...
10-03 [ historical ]