Information Security Applications: 7th International Workshop, WISA 2006, Jeju Island, Korea, August 28-30, 2006, Revised Selected Papers 电子书下载
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Information Security Applications, WISA 2006, ...
07-10 [ None ]
Larte di leggere nel pensiero: Il metodo di apprendimento cognitivo per leggere nella mente (Italian Edition) 电子书下载
L’arte di leggere nel pensiero - Il metodo di apprendimento cognitivo per leggere la mente Impara grazie ai nostri utili consigli ...
09-08 [ None ]
Hands-on Design Patterns with Kotlin: Build scalable applications using traditional, reactive, and concurrent design patterns in Kotlin 电子书下载
GoF, Reactive patterns, Concurrent patterns and moreMake the most of Kotlin by leveraging design patterns and best practices to b ...
08-12 [ None ]
Das Petrusevangelium und die Petrusapokalypse: Die griechischen Fragmente mit deutscher und englischer Übersetzung (Neutestamentliche Apokryphen, Bd. 1) 电子书下载
This text presents diplomatic transcriptions and translations of all known textual fragments which can be attributed to what is k ...
09-01 [ None ]
Membrane Technology: Volume 3: Membranes for Food Applications 电子书下载
Edited by an internationally recognized leader in the field, this third volume in the series represents the complete reference to ...
03-26 [ None ]
Learn Microservices with Spring Boot: A Practical Approach to RESTful Services using RabbitMQ, Eureka, Ribbon, Zuul and Cucumber 电子书下载
Build a microservices architecture with Spring Boot, by evolving an application from a small monolith to an event-driven architec ...
10-28 [ None ]
UNIX网络编程 卷1:套接字联网API(第3版)【文字版】 电子书下载
本书是一部UNIX网络编程的经典之作!书中全面深入地介绍了如何使用套接字API进行网络编程。全书不但介绍了基本编程内容,还涵盖了与套接字编程相关的高级主题,对于客户/服务器程序的各种设计方法也作了完整的探讨,最后还深入分析了流这种设备驱动机制。 本书内容详尽 ...
08-29 [ None ]
Visualizing the Size of the Java Standard API [from: Proceedings of the New Zealand Computer Science Research Students Conference (NZCSRSC), Wellington, New Zealand, 2010] 电子书下载
From http://homepages.ecs.vuw.ac.nz/~craig/publications/nzcsrsc2010-anslow.pdf (linked from http://anslow.cpsc.ucalgary.ca/) T ...
08-29 [ None ]