HTML5、JavaScript、CSS、XHTML、Ajax網頁程式設計 (第五版)(電子書) 电子书下载
本書以HTML 5與JavaScript為主,其它網頁技術為輔,帶領讀者學習網頁程式設計的語法與技巧。本書內容分成下列四篇: *HTML 5篇:介紹HTML 4.01既有的元素和HTML 5增加、修改或移除的元素,例如article、section、nav、 ...
07-09 [ None ]
Mental Health Information for Teens: Health Tips about Mental Wellness and Mental Illness: Including Facts about Recognizing and Treating Mood, Anxiety, Personality, Psychotic, Behavioral, Impulse Control, and Addiction Disorders 电子书下载
"Provides consumer health information about the causes, warning signs, and symptoms of mental health disorders, along with facts ...
10-08 [ None ]
Java语言程序设计与数据结构(基础篇)(原书第11版) 电子书下载
本书是Java语言的经典教材,中文版分为基础篇和进阶篇,主要介绍程序设计基础、面向对象程序设计、GUI程序设计、数据结构和算法、高级Java程序设计等内容。本书以示例讲解解决问题的技巧,提供大量的程序清单,每章配有大量复习题和编程练习题,帮助读者掌握编程技术 ...
02-09 [ None ]
《你想知道而不敢问的性知识》David R. Reuben 电子书下载
内容简介:三十多年来,这部现代经典已经成为我们生活的一部分。它使我们的性体验更加令人满意,我们的婚姻更加健康,并使我们的孩子对性有一个健康和现实的态度。现在,鲁本博士已经为这部永恒的著作写了一个全新的版本。根据从数千份医学期刊和科学研究项目中获得的最新医学和科学发现,本版是二十一世纪第二性知识的理想 ...
10-14 [ education ]
Chemometrics: from basics to wavelet transform 电子书下载
Wavelet Transformations and Their Applications in Chemistry pioneers a new approach to classifying existing chemometric technique ...
07-10 [ None ]
《JavaScript DOM编程艺术》[英]Jeremy Keith / Jeffrey Sambells文字版 电子书下载
Jeremy Keith 国际知名的Web设计师,Web标准项目组成员,DOM Scripting任务组负责人之一,任职于Web咨询公司Clearleft。除本书外,还著有HTML5 for Web Designers、Bulletproof Ajax。可通过其个人网站adactio.com与他联系 ...
09-18 [ computer ]
Ruby on Rails for Php and Java Developers 电子书下载
The web framework Ruby on Rails for developing database based web applications provides a Model-View-Controller framework. The re ...
04-28 [ None ]
Pro Spring Security: Securing Spring Framework 5 and Boot 2-based Java Applications 电子书下载
Build and deploy secure Spring Framework and Spring Boot-based enterprise Java applications with the Spring Security Framework. T ...
06-27 [ None ]
Low-altitude wind shear and its hazard to aviation : report of the Committee on Low-Altitude Wind Shear and Its Hazard to Aviation. 电子书下载
Congressional concern over the crash of Pan American World Airways Flight 759, a Boeing 727, minutes after takeoff from the New O ...
09-01 [ None ]