Scaling Python with Dask - Holden Karau and Mika Kimmins 电子书下载
Scaling Python with Dask - Holden Karau and Mika KimminsHolden Karau and Mika Kimmins ...
02-05 [ computer ]
Adornos Negative Dialectic: Philosophy and the Possibility of Critical Rationality 电子书下载
The purely philosophical concerns of Theodor W. Adorno`s negative dialectic would seem to be far removed from the concreteness of ...
10-08 [ None ]
Virtualization: A Manager’s Guide - Dan Kusnetzky 电子书下载
Virtualization: A Manager’s Guide - Dan KusnetzkyDan Kusnetzky ...
02-05 [ computer ]
SharePoint 2010 at Work - Mark Miller, Kerri Abraham, Eric Alexander, Peter Allen, Marc Anderson, Alexander Bautz, Sadalit Van Buren, Jim Bob Howard, Dessie Lunsford, Waldek Mastykarz, and Laura Rogers 电子书下载
SharePoint 2010 at Work - Mark Miller, Kerri Abraham, Eric Alexander, Peter Allen, Marc Anderson, Alexander Bautz, Sadalit Van Buren, Jim Bob Howard, ...
02-05 [ computer ]
Hands-On Data Visualization - Jack Dougherty and Ilya Ilyankou 电子书下载
Hands-On Data Visualization - Jack Dougherty and Ilya IlyankouJack Dougherty and Ilya Ilyankou ...
02-05 [ computer ]
Virtual Reality and Animation for MATLAB® and Simulink® Users: Visualization of Dynamic Models and Control Simulations 电子书下载
About this book· Gives the reader hands on example-base experience for simulating dynamical models in MATLAB®/Simulink® and anima ...
05-08 [ None ]
Go Systems Programming - Mihalis Tsoukalos 电子书下载
Go Systems Programming - Mihalis TsoukalosMihalis Tsoukalos ...
02-05 [ computer ]
The Mentalization Guidebook the Mentalization Guidebook the Mentalization Guidebook 电子书下载
"The Mentalization Guidebook" is a tool for professionals working with traumatized and neglected people who want to use mentaliza ...
10-08 [ None ]
Globalization and Environmental Challenges: Reconceptualizing Security in the 21st Century 电子书下载
Put quite simply, the twin impacts of globalization and environmental degradation pose new security dangers and concerns. In this ...
06-27 [ None ]
Clojure for Machine Learning - Akhil Wali 电子书下载
Clojure for Machine Learning - Akhil WaliAkhil Wali ...
02-05 [ computer ]
OpenGL Data Visualization Cookbook: Over 35 hands-on recipes to create impressive, stunning visuals for a wide range of real-time, interactive applications using OpenGL 电子书下载
OpenGL is a great multi-platform, cross-language, and hardware-accelerated graphics interface for visualizing large 2D and 3D dat ...
06-04 [ None ]