Parallel and High Performance Computing - Robert (bob) Robey and Yuliana (yulie) Zamora 电子书下载
Parallel and High Performance Computing - Robert (bob) Robey and Yuliana (yulie) ZamoraRobert (bob) Robey and Yuliana (yulie) Zamora ...
02-05 [ computer ]
Linux Appliance Design - Bob Smith, John Hardin, Graham Phillips and Bill Pierce 电子书下载
Linux Appliance Design - Bob Smith, John Hardin, Graham Phillips and Bill PierceBob Smith, John Hardin, Graham Phillips and Bill Pierce ...
02-05 [ computer ]
SharePoint 2010 at Work - Mark Miller, Kerri Abraham, Eric Alexander, Peter Allen, Marc Anderson, Alexander Bautz, Sadalit Van Buren, Jim Bob Howard, Dessie Lunsford, Waldek Mastykarz, and Laura Rogers 电子书下载
SharePoint 2010 at Work - Mark Miller, Kerri Abraham, Eric Alexander, Peter Allen, Marc Anderson, Alexander Bautz, Sadalit Van Buren, Jim Bob Howard, ...
02-05 [ computer ]
《遇见一只猫与bob相伴的日子》 电子书下载
内容简介:当詹姆斯·波文发现一只受伤的姜黄色猫蜷缩在自己简陋住处的走廊里时,还不知道他们的生活即将出现交集。在伦敦,詹姆斯只是一个穷困潦倒的流浪艺人,他从未想过这样的自己会拥有一只宠物。但是,他还是用身上仅有的钱全力救治这只公猫,并为其取名Bob。随后的日子里,他们很快成为不离不弃的神奇搭档,共同经 ...
12-09 [ life ]
《世界金融危机史经典丛书共6册》鲍勃·斯瓦卢普 (Bob Swarup) 中文版 电子书下载
鲍勃·斯瓦卢普(Bob Swarup),金融市场及金融监管问题的国际专家、评论家。他1977年出生于新德里,在印度和英格兰接受教育,获得剑桥大学文学硕士学位和伦敦帝国理工大学宇宙学博士学位。他曾供职于金融机构并负责投资管理,为一流对冲基金和私募股权基金提供咨询,与各智囊团合作密切,为政策制定者担任顾 ...
09-24 [ economy ]
Borland C++Builder 6 Developer’s Guide - Bob Swart, Mark Cashman, Paul Gustavson, and Jarrod Hollingworth 电子书下载
Borland C++Builder 6 Developer’s Guide - Bob Swart, Mark Cashman, Paul Gustavson, and Jarrod HollingworthBob Swart, Mark Cashman, Paul Gustavson, and ...
02-05 [ computer ]
Configuring Juniper Networks NetScreen and SSG Firewalls - Bob Cameron 电子书下载
Configuring Juniper Networks NetScreen and SSG Firewalls - Bob CameronBob Cameron ...
02-05 [ computer ]
Learning SPARQL 2nd Edition - Bob DuCharme 电子书下载
Learning SPARQL 2nd Edition - Bob DuCharmeBob DuCharme ...
02-05 [ computer ]
Oracle Database 11g DBA Handbook - Bob Bryla and Kevin Loney 电子书下载
Oracle Database 11g DBA Handbook - Bob Bryla and Kevin LoneyBob Bryla and Kevin Loney ...
02-05 [ computer ]
Bob Ross, TVs Favorite Artist, Presents Annette Kowalskis The Joy of Painting Flowers 电子书下载
The Joy of Painting Flowers is 66 pages and contains 13 painting projects. The book consists of an Introduction that describes th ...
09-26 [ None ]
Bob the Gambler 电子书下载
A New York Times Notable Book In this darkly funny story, Ray and Jewel Kaiser try (and push) their luck at the Paradise casino. ...
08-29 [ None ]
Go, Graduate! All the Best from Bikini Bottom (SpongeBob SquarePants) 电子书下载
Get ready to soak up some nautical nonsense on how SpongeBob and Bikini Bottom dwellers approach graduation. They cover everythin ...
09-01 [ None ]
Learning SPARQL - Bob DuCharme 电子书下载
Learning SPARQL - Bob DuCharmeBob DuCharme ...
02-05 [ computer ]
grokking concurrency - Kirill Bobrov 电子书下载
grokking concurrency - Kirill BobrovKirill Bobrov ...
02-05 [ computer ]