Pilots handook for the XB-35 heavy bombardment airplane 电子书下载
Руководство для пилота самолета «XB-35».«Летающее крыло» — разновидность схемы «бесхвостка» с редуцированным фюзеляжем, роль кото ...
08-23 [ None ]
Vengeance! The Vultee Vengeance Dive Bomber 电子书下载
Книга Vengeance! The Vultee Vengeance Dive Bomber Vengeance! The Vultee Vengeance Dive Bomber Книги Вооружение Автор: Peter C. Sm ...
10-11 [ None ]
Empire and the Bomb: How the U.S. Uses Nuclear Weapons to Dominate the World 电子书下载
The United States is the only country to have dropped the atomic bomb. Since the A-bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, every U.S. ...
10-09 [ None ]
Bomb Queen Vi #1 Comic By Jimmie Robinson President Barack Obama Cover, App, Story 电子书下载
"OH, BOMB AH!"Image superheroes are lining up to congratulate President Obama, But NOT the villain dictator of New Port City. Bom ...
09-16 [ None ]