《跟工程师学嵌入式开发:基于STM32和μCOS-Ⅲ》谭贵文字版 电子书下载
谭贵,男,北京大学计算机科学与技术学士毕业,现供职于富士康科技集团,热爱嵌入式开发技术,精通C、Java语言,Tcl和bash脚本应用;熟悉从MCU裸板外设驱动开发和uCosII实时操作系统的移植,以及基于Linux系统的嵌入式应用开发。本书选用的STM32芯片基于ARM Cortex-M3体系结构 ...
09-23 [ computer ]
Astrophysics: Decoding the Cosmos 电子书下载
Astrophysics: Decoding the Cosmos is an accessible introduction to the key principles and theories underlying the subject. It tak ...
08-16 [ None ]
Dynamic Changes in Marine Ecosystems: Fishing, Food Webs, and Future Options 电子书下载
Recent scientific literature has raised many concerns about whether fisheries have caused more extensive changes to marine popula ...
06-07 [ None ]
Cost Reduction and Control Best Practices: The Best Ways for a Financial Manager to Save Money 电子书下载
In a highly competitive operating environment in which we live, it is often difficult for a company to raise prices, unless it ca ...
07-25 [ None ]
IELTS Tech- Vocal Cosmetics (A Complete Package of Vocabulary Usage for IELTS) 电子书下载
V & S Publishers, 2015 - 72 pages.ISBN:978-93-505743-6-2IELTS TECH – Vocal Cosmetics is the third book of the IELTS-Tech Series, ...
06-27 [ None ]
《跟工程师学嵌入式开发:基于STM32和μCOS-Ⅲ》谭贵文字版 电子书下载
谭贵,男,北京大学计算机科学与技术学士毕业,现供职于富士康科技集团,热爱嵌入式开发技术,精通C、Java语言,Tcl和bash脚本应用;熟悉从MCU裸板外设驱动开发和uCosII实时操作系统的移植,以及基于Linux系统的嵌入式应用开发。本书选用的STM32芯片基于ARM Cortex-M3体系结构 ...
12-23 [ computer ]
Reflections in Bulloughs Pond: Economy and Ecosystem in New England 电子书下载
From the vantage point of a nearby pond in Newton, Massachusetts, Diana Muir reconstructs an intriguing interpretation of New Eng ...
05-21 [ None ]
Connecting quarks with the cosmos: eleven science questions for the new century 电子书下载
Advances made by physicists in understanding matter, space and time and by astronomers in understanding the universe as a whole h ...
05-11 [ None ]