SketchUp - просто 3D! Учебник-справочник Google SketchUp v. 8.0 Pro. Книга 1. Практик 电子书下载
Интернет-издание, 2012. — 154 с. Самый новый, полный и подробный курс изучения SketchUp. Учебные материалы разделены на два уровн ...
08-17 [ None ]
Sketchup - Guide for Woodworkers 电子书下载
SketchUp Guide for Woodworkers is a comprehensive step-by-step manual to help furniture makers master Googles powerful 3-D comput ...
08-17 [ None ]
《认识商业(原书第12版)》William Nickels / [美] James McHugh / [美] Susan McHugh 电子书下载
内容简介:租房、买菜、追番、网红店打卡……商业充斥着生活的每个角落但是,你真的了解商业吗?当你对博主推荐的产品蠢蠢欲动时,其营销套路是什么?当你在求职App收到HR的消息时,企业的人力资源系统如何运行?当你在网上自嘲“韭菜”时,金融体系的生存法则是什么?当你年初申请退税时,背后的财务逻辑怎么理解?《 ...
10-15 [ economy ]
Introduction to Google SketchUp 电子书下载
The 2nd edition of Chopra`s Google SketchUp provides key pedagogical elements, which help prepare readers for the workforce. The ...
08-17 [ None ]
《云端代码Google.App.Engine编程指南》Mark C. Chu-Carroll文字版 电子书下载
Mark Chu-Carroll谷歌软件工程师,从事软件开发将近20年。业余时,他还负责开发和管理Scientopia.org,并在该网站上发表数学博客Good Math/Bad Math,其博客地址http://scientopia.org/blogs/goodmath。《云端代码:Google ...
11-03 [ education ]
A. Wong – The Cookbook: Extraordinary dim sum, exceptional street food & unexpected Chinese dishes from Sichuan to Yunnan 电子书下载
From Lotus root crisps, Taiwanese popcorn chicken with basil and Baked pork buns to Crispy aromatic duck, Chilli barbecued Dover ...
09-13 [ None ]
A Grammar of Guìqióng: A Language of Sichuan 电子书下载
In A Grammar of Guìqióng, Jiāng Lì describes the grammar of Guìqióng, a hitherto undocumented language spoken by alpine people in ...
09-13 [ None ]
Google SketchUp 7 for dummies 电子书下载
Google SketchUp is the exciting free software package that makes 3D available to everybody. Whether you need to build 3D models f ...
08-17 [ None ]
Eastern Han (Ad 25-220) Tombs in Sichuan 电子书下载
This work explores the many factors underlying the extended popularity of the cliff tomb, a local burial form in the Sichuan Basi ...
09-13 [ None ]