mental floss presents Instant Knowledge (Collins Gem) 电子书下载
Mental_floss is proud to present a full-bodied jolt of inspiration for thirsty minds on the go. Blended with titillating facts, s ...
10-08 [ None ]
Collins Cobuild英语语法系列:构词法 电子书下载
本书拟对构词方式进行叙述,帮助读者扩大词汇量,有些词是将词缀置于现有词的词首构成,有些词是将后缀置于现有词的词尾构成,还有些词的前缀或后缀不止一个。掌握一定数量前缀和后缀的主要用法和意义后,读者能认识与理解的词就比原来多得多。本书对约300个前缀和后缀的用法 ...
07-01 [ None ]
The Curse of Caste; or The Slave Bride: A Rediscovered African American Novel by Julia C. Collins 电子书下载
In 1865, The Christian Recorder, the national newspaper of the African Methodist Episcopal Church, serialized The Curse of Caste; ...
06-19 [ None ]
《为你,耶路撒冷》[美] 拉莱·科林斯(Larry Collins) / [法] 多米尼克·拉皮埃尔(Dominique Lapierre) 电子书下载
内容简介:当代世界最负盛名的纪实文学作家——《巴黎烧了吗?》作者拉莱•科林斯和多米尼克•拉皮埃尔,联手为全世界读者奉上一部纪实文学经典。两位作者用长达两年时间,采访了大量历史参与者,从国家元首到普通一兵,并披阅了浩如烟海的史料,以及第一手珍贵资料,在此基础上,再用三年时间写成本书。书里详实记录了以色 ...
10-14 [ historical ]
Dynamics and Mission Design Near Libration Points, Volume I : Fundamentals : The Case of Collinear Libration Points (World Scientific Monograph Series in Mathematics) 电子书下载
In this book the problem of station keeping is studied for orbits near libration points in the solar system. The main focus is on ...
05-25 [ None ]
《饥饿游戏1-3(套装共3册)》苏珊·柯林斯 / Suzanne Collins 电子书下载
内容简介:第七十四届饥饿游戏即将开始。在荒蛮的野外环境中,每个人都想置你于死地,你能靠自己的力量生存下来吗?24人参加竞赛。只有一人能够存活。抽签日那天,凯特尼斯的人生彻底改变了。在未来的北美洲,帕纳姆国建立在一片废墟之上,它的中心凯匹特位于十二个区的中央。每年,十二个区都被迫向凯匹特送去年龄在12 ...
11-11 [ fiction ]
The Powell Principles - 24 Lessons From Collin Powell, A Legendary Leader 电子书下载
"The Powell Principles" details the decision-making habits, success strategies, and leadership philosophies of Secretary of State ...
06-30 [ None ]