ESA TM-231: GNSS Data Processing Vol. I: Contents 电子书下载
https://telegram.me/irgeodesy ...
07-11 [ None ]
Modeling Our World: The ESRI Guide to Geodatabase Design 电子书下载
This conceptual overview introduces and explains the concept of geodatabases-object-oriented data models-which are introduced in ...
05-20 [ None ]
Secure Data Management: 5th VLDB Workshop, SDM 2008, Auckland, New Zealand, August 24, 2008. Proceedings 电子书下载
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 5th VLDB Workshop on Secure Data Management, SDM 2008, held in Auckland, Ne ...
08-29 [ None ]
Oracle Application Express 3.2, the Essentials and More: Develop Native Oracle database-centric web applications quickly and easily with Oracle APEX 电子书下载
This book is a practical guide that not only shows you how to do things, but also makes you understand how things really work, so ...
02-23 [ None ]
Oracle Database Administrators Guide 电子书下载
Investors and their advisors face a dizzying array of options when selecting investments. How to choose the optimal mix of stocks ...
02-23 [ None ]
Python Automation Cookbook: 75 Python automation ideas for web scraping, data wrangling, and processing Excel, reports, emails, and more, 2nd Edition 电子书下载
Get a firm grip on the core processes including browser automation, web scraping, Word, Excel, and GUI automation with Python 3.8 ...
10-24 [ None ]
Master Your Data with Power Query in Excel and Power BI: Leveraging Power Query to Get & Transform Your Task Flow 电子书下载
Power Query is the amazing new data cleansing tool in both Excel and Power BI Desktop. Do you find yourself performing the same d ...
04-29 [ None ]
Effective Pandas: Patterns for Data Manipulation (Treading on Python) 电子书下载
Best practices for manipulating data with Pandas. This book will arm you with years of knowledge and experience that are condense ...
06-30 [ None ]
Oracle Database 11g DBA Handbook 电子书下载
Publisher`s Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or ...
02-23 [ None ]
ArcPy and ArcGIS - Geospatial analysis with python : use the ArcPy module to automate the analysis and mapping of geospatial data in ArcGIS 电子书下载
Use the ArcPy module to automate the analysis and mapping of geospatial data in ArcGIS About This BookPerform GIS analysis faster ...
03-30 [ None ]
SPSS Programming and Data Management: A Guide for SPSS and SAS Users 电子书下载
3rd edition, 2006. ...
07-05 [ None ]