The Handbook for Companioning the Mourner: Eleven Essential Principles 电子书下载
Partly a counseling model and partly an explanation of true empathy, this handbook explores the ways companionship eases grief. F ...
05-11 [ None ]
Ageing and Pension Reform Around the World: Evidence from Eleven Countries 电子书下载
Population ageing and the resulting pressures on existing pension systems constitutes one of the most important challenges modern ...
05-11 [ None ]
You Want Me to Work with Who?: Eleven Keys to a Stress-Free, Satisfying, and Successful Work Life . . . No Matter Who You Work With 电子书下载
In I Don’t Know What I Want . . . But I Know It’s Not This, career consultant Julie Jansen won over readers with the same c ...
05-11 [ None ]
Aldous Huxley and the Search for Meaning: A Study of the Eleven Novels 电子书下载
Aldous Huxley, author of eleven novels, remains one of the towering figures of the twentieth century, his work resistant to passi ...
05-11 [ None ]
The World in Eleven Dimensions: Supergravity, supermembranes and M-theory (Series in High Energy Physics, Cosmology and Gravitation) 电子书下载
A unified theory embracing all physical phenomena is a major goal of theoretical physics. In the early 1980s, many physicists loo ...
05-11 [ None ]
Growing up with Three Languages: Birth to Eleven (Parents and Teachers Guides) 电子书下载
This book is for parents who live in a foreign country and intend to raise their children in their own heritage language(s). It o ...
05-11 [ None ]
Eleven Blunders that Cripple Psychotherapy in America: A Remedial Unblundering 电子书下载
After a period of economic success and high regard in society, clinical psychology has fallen onto hard times, assert authors Nic ...
05-11 [ None ]
《一位经营鬼才的自白:7—ELEVEn创始人亲述零售帝国背后的故事》铃木敏文经典版 电子书下载
铃木敏文日本商界神话,被誉为继松下幸之助之后的“日本新经营之神”。柒和伊控股公司董事长兼CEO,同时监管着柒和伊旗下的7-ELEVEn和伊藤洋华堂。1973年创设7-ELEVEn日本公司,在其精心打造下,7-ELEVEn这个原本在美国已经濒临破产的品牌摇身一变,成为全球最大的连锁便利品牌、日本销售额 ...
10-07 [ economy ]
《7-ELEVEN 经营秘籍》[日]铃木敏文中文版 电子书下载
铃木敏文日本7-Eleven创始人,曾任Seven&i控股公司会长兼CEO。1932年出生于日本长野。1956年毕业于日本中央大学经济系,并于同年就职于大型图书销售公司东京出版贩卖(东贩)。1963年成为伊藤洋华堂公司的职员。1973年,创建了日本的7-Eleven,并在全国各地开设分店。2003年 ...
09-15 [ economy ]
Lineages of European Citizenship: Rights, Belonging and Participation in Eleven Nation-States 电子书下载
Lineages of European Citizenship provides an historical analysis of the development of citizenship from the nineteenth to the twe ...
05-11 [ None ]
Pindar: Pythian Eleven 电子书下载
Pindar`s Pythian Eleven is a miniature masterpiece: a poem praising a young athlete which presents a vivid and important account ...
05-11 [ None ]
《解密日本零售业:无印良品式营销一胜九败茑屋经营哲学7-Eleven经营秘籍》全套共4册典藏版 电子书下载
《解密日本零售业(套装共4册)》为你展示MUJI无印良品、优衣库、茑屋书店、以及“7-11”日本零售业四巨头的商业秘密。套装涵盖《无印良品式营销》、《一胜九败:优衣库全球热卖的秘密》、《茑屋经营哲学》、《7-Eleven经营秘籍》。《无印良品式营销》内容简介: MUJI(无印良品)自20世纪80年代 ...
09-13 [ economy ]
《零售的哲学:7-Eleven便利店创始人自述》铃木敏文中文珍藏版 电子书下载
铃木敏文世界级企业家,日本7-ELEVEN 创办人。他被日本媒体称为继松下幸之助之后的“日本新经营之神”,美国《哈佛商业评论》评价其为“融合东西方管理精神的最佳典范”。他领导的日本最大的零售集团SEVEN&I控股公司为全球第四大、亚洲最大的零售王国,营业额约等同日本GDP的1.25%,富可敌国。他曾 ...
09-29 [ historical ]
Connecting quarks with the cosmos: eleven science questions for the new century 电子书下载
Advances made by physicists in understanding matter, space and time and by astronomers in understanding the universe as a whole h ...
05-11 [ None ]